Colloidal silver is known to kill over 650 bacteria. When you take antibiotics that are known to kill bacteria, but they are prescribed for only certain types of bacteria, while colloidal silver is good for combating almost all bacteria. This is the reason why colloidal silver is sometimes called a HOSPITAL IN A BOX.
Antibiotics are Loosing the Fight Against Super Bugs
As you know or not know, antibiotics are becoming ineffective against the superbugs. The Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization both admit failure. They have no solution for untreatable mutant germs. The World Health Orgination in March 2012 said “a post antibiotic era–in which common infections and minor injuries can kill, a very real possibility for the 21st century”. Whooping Cough is soaring killing American children. In some states it is up 1,300% in just 2 years. The medical industry and big pharma do not have an answer, but they won’t tell you about a decades old all purpose, time tested germ killer.
Colloidal silver is nothing more than extremely small particles of silver suspended in distilled water. You can buy colloidal silver in most health food stores for $4-$8 per ounce. But, you can make your own for pennies an ounce with a colloidal silver generator kit. A generator kit has only a few items which are used with distilled water. 1) 2 each 6 inch lengths of 99.999 pure silver wire, 2) 3 – 9 V batteries. 3) a very small incandescent light bulb . 4) a few feet of # 20 wire and some alligator clips. The components are wired and placed in a small plastic box.
In our local newspaper a story about soaring generic drug prices states that generic drugs have risen 30% in last few months. One drug, antibiotic doxycycline, rose more than 8,280% in 6 months from $20 per bottle to $1,849 per bottle. If this is where our drug prices are going a colloidal Silver generator will be a great money-saving device as well as something to keep your family healthy.
The generators vary electrically from 1 to 3 – 9 volt batteries or a plugin system that changes the 120 VAC to provide 27 volts DC. With the 2 pieces of silver wire suspended in distilled water current will flow in the water between the two wires, and the silver will flake off the positive wire in very small particles (.001 to .005 microns). These particles will remain suspended in the water solution which you can drink or apply to a cut or open sore on your skin. It is these suspended silver particles that kill the bacteria.
We have been using colloidal silver for over 20 years with the best results you could possibly want. When starting to show cold or flu symptoms we would always do 2 things: 1) start taking some colloidal silver, a few ounces 2 or 3 times a day. 2) take some zinc gluconate glycine lozenges like found in Cold-Eeze. They come in a variety of flavors. We like the Honey Lemon flavor the best. By doing these 2 things our symptoms would be gone in a day or two. We did this again just a few days ago.
Silver Lining Colloidal Silver Generator CS30 - we recommend
If the price is not above your health care budget ($120) a constant current generator like the CS30 is well worth serious consideration. If not, several modals are available in the $45 to $75 range. The following link is where you can find the CS30.
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