Wayne Allyn Root for Personal
Liberty and the author of The Murder of The Middle Class is asking this question.
It is a good article with lots of
links should you want to explore some areas connected to the question and a lot
of other topics I’m sure you will find some interest in.
Below are several links to
questions about Obama’s birth certificate.
If you think he is a natural citizen and even able to run for the president, then look at these articles.
The first and the second are part of the “Cold Case Posse” that was put
together by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arazona
A video with Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Many, many, many links to various stories
concerning aspects of Obama being a natural citizen, and problems with his
birth certificate.
10 Facts That Suggest Obama’s
Birth Certificate Is Fake
I, the undersigned Christopher
Walter Monckton, commonly known as the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Peer of
the Realm, of 27 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JX, being first duly sworn, do
hereby state under oath and under penalty of perjury that the facts are true: Even a
foreign expert with no skin in the game agrees Obama”s birth certificate is a
Forgery by the odds of 1 in 75 sextillion.
The conclusion of this investigation is: Even if the probabilities I have chosen were to
be considered excessively low, the fact that there are so many independent
irregularities, even if absurdly high probabilities of occurrence such as 1 in
2 were assigned to each irregularity, would be sufficient to demonstrate beyond
reasonable doubt that the White House document is a forgery.
Donald Trump was one of the few
that questioned Obama's birth certificate. Maybe the more important
question is who backed Obama to run for the presidency? The answer put forth by
Stephen Pidgeon in his book The Obama Error
was The New World Order.
Read about it The Tale Of Our Two America's, Which is in Our Country, What's Happening and Why–
– –our first blog on February 8, 2016.
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