Friday, November 25, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

From The Week Magazine, November 25,

From The Week Magazine, November 25, 2016 issue

A summation of John Podhoretz’s article “ Obama’s costly overreach–to the Democrats.
Barack Obama will leave the democratic party in shambles. He was a political genius in getting himself elected, but for his party he’s been an unmitigated disaster.

 Since January 20, 2009 more than 1,110 Democratic Federal and State elected officials have lost their jobs to Republicans. Democrats controlled 62 of the 99 legislative chambers in 2009. Republicans now controlled 68. Democrats controlled 31 Governors and now hold just 17.  He saw his election as an endorsement of a highly progressive agenda, which he forced through “too much, too fast, two soon” which include Obamacare, massive bailouts and stimulus spending, new taxes, and the heavy business regulation(s).  Democrats will weep when Obama leaves office, but the truth is there hero  presided over “the collapse of the Democratic Party”.         

                                    These things happen during Obama’s tenure
                                              The Wall Street Journal
 More people in their 40s and older are moving in with their aging parents for financial reasons. In California adults ages 50 to 65 living with their parents rose 68% between 2006 and 2012, and data across the nation shows a similar trend. How sad.

                                                 From the U. S. Elections Project
About 100 million eligible voters did not cast a ballot in this year’s presidential election. About 132 million did vote – by percentage, the lowest turnout since 1996.

Maybe this is a good thing, when you consider 97% of the people don’t know what’s going on, don’t know who the candidates are, especially the local ones – so if you know what’s going on, the question to ask "yourself is why should the people who don’t know what’s going on, why should they vote?"

Monday, November 21, 2016

Beware of These 20 Fake News Sites

We subscribe to a publication called  Laissez Faire.  We received and email talking about "Fake News Sites". Below is a summary of the main points of the article. Once you review the list of Fake News Sites you will now know the ones NOT to watch.

America is waking up to the fact that the mainstream press does little more than parrot what they’re told. (I have said for a long time the mainstream media doesn't tell you the news, they tell you what the administration wants you to believe) It’s no secret that the mainstream media is now a monolith of just six colluding corporations which serve their corporate/government masters first, with truth as a mere afterthought.

 Below is the full list of the top-20 (yes, twenty!) fake news websites in just one moment. This list might not be what you expect. (Or, heck, it might be exactly what you’re expecting.)

Whatever you do, be very wary of what these fake news sites publish. They’ve been caught red-handed violating the (albeit flawed) sacred Journalist's Creed, set in ink by the (very) late Walter Williams over a century ago.

Here they are…
Google “[name] WikiLeaks” for the leaks
Stay vigilant,
Chris Campbell
Managing editor, Laissez Faire Today

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


If you answer the questions below YES, then look this over and check it out.


Part of the American dream is having your own business, the other part is making more money than working for somebody else. The nicest part of this business having a product which everybody in the world uses every day. The product is a very special kind of water, alkaline water or as it is known, Kangen Water.

You have heard you should drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water/day to stay hydrated and in good health. The rule is: ½ of your body weight in oz. of water/day, but it depends on what kind of water you drink. You can drink the local tap water from your faucet or any of the many bottled waters. You can also drink things like Gatorade and various kinds of soda. The best water you can drink is Kangen Water.

If you want to stay healthy and make a GREAT income at the same time you need to watch the videos below. It will tell you about Kangen Water, The many health benefits derived from drinking it, and a marketing plan that will let you become a distributor and make a GREAT money just giving the water away.  Don’t try to sell it, just give it away.

At the end of the 1st video (131-149 min) you will see various levels of distributors, and how they got started in the business, and what health benefits they received like: reducing or ending back pain, helping diabetics take less insulin, helping an autistic child become much better, helping with congestive heart failure, diabetes 2, sleep apnea, kidney damage, arthritis, acid reflux, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney stones, knee pain, and help with many other health problems. You will also see how people got started, how many people are in their Enagic organizations, in some cases how many $’s they made. Watch our web site first, To see it all (Check Here To Get Instant Access).  Then, watch the first link below. These 2 webs sites tell most of it. Questions, call me at 941-639-5129.

 This video is 1 hour & 49 minutes, divided up in the following segments with the time of each segment.
1 - 40                Background information
42 - 56              Demonstration of various bottled waters
57 - 106            Washing tomatoes in Kangen water
107 - 115          Explanation of the Enagic Product (Enagic is the company name)
116 - 130          Business income & condensation plan
131 - 149          People at various levels, how they got involved, and how many in their group.

 I suggest you watch the 1st link below from the beginning it makes much more sense that way, but if
you don’t have the time, watch it in segments.  But ultimately please watch all the links below.  If you are among the 70,000,000 baby boomers, have a business, are a doctor or dentist, this one is for you!  The main thing to remember is our bodies are 75% water, everybody needs it, and THIS BUSINESS IS INTERNATIONAL.

Kangen Water Demo, in English  (many languages are available) WATCH THIS LINK NEXT.

The History & Use of Kangen Water in Japan, & it’s Healing Properties. SIMPLY AMAZING!! Watch a man ABOUT TO HAVE HIS FOOT AMPUTATED due to DIABETES, his foot WAS SAVED BY KANGEN WATER.

What Doctors say:

Bill Owra                941-639-5129, Cell 941-740-1817    

Enagic Independent Distributor