I think this explains a lot of what hardly anybody IS aware of. Maybe the FBI director found out more about the Foundation, And did what he could do, start to expose it prior to November 8.
This would make a good special on FOXNews if it is done in the next few days. The public needs to know about The Clinton Foundation, and Fox News is the only one that will tell the story.
A Friend sent this to me…
FBI insider
confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.
The Hillary Clinton e-mail
server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of
Washington, D.C. is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest
scandal of all times. This inside info comes from someone claiming to be a
high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with
his notes added. The smoking gun is about to arrive and there are “a lot
of people involved”. To save everyone time, what follows here are the choice
bits. Looks like Trump and Putin hold some of the cards. This could
be the most interesting election ever.
"There is
intense pressure within the FBI for us not to indict Hillary. I am posting
from a position of near anonymity and enough plausible deniability to
evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders. There is enough
for Hillary and the entire government to be brought down. People do not
realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will
be indicted or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out,
and there are a lot of people involved. The real point of interest is
the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server
from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton
Foundation. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously
Classified Materials on the Clinton Email Server: Hillary had Special Access
Programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause
an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war. A Special Access
Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. These
programs are supposed to be held on closed servers at secret locations.
The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have
a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass
through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good
example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of
our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations.
A Bigger Problem
than Hillary: Killing Hillary would not cause this problem to go away. The
problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should
just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money
laundering, implicating hundreds of high-level people. Though I do not have a
high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece – of
this massive storm. Legal is asking preliminary questions about whether or
not she has been coached (she has) and setting up the general line
of questioning.I am a high level analyst though, so my job is only to look at
her records.
The Department
of Justice is most likely looking to save itself. Find everyone involved in
the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and
imagine they are all implicated. The entire Federal Government is involved.
My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is
why Hillary's death would not cease the investigation or prevent further
scandals. Many, many people are involved.There already is evidence enough to
indict. FBI Director Comey has been trying to stall because he
does not want to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of
Washington D.C. But this case would explode into a million other cases
if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency competing against
the entire government and a hoard of other interests. It is a very
tense and uncomfortable position. What Attorney General Loretta Lynch is
saying is she will accept whatever they do and make her determination as
she will. Nothing about her responsibilities has changed, she is simply
trying to keep her hide intact.
Foreign Powers
Have Some of the Documents; Russia Will Probably Leak All Info they Have.
Foreign powers are in possession of some of the documents we have
analyzed, because they were hacked from the Clinton server. The leaks
will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion. If we recommend,
we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is
involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and
cover, as well as some sensitive details of Special Access Programs
which would obliterate national security. I am not sure, but some of my war
strategy buddies are estimating a high probability that Russia will leak
all of the info they have to the world, since Clinton wants to go to
war with them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the
U.S. If we do not recommend, it will look like a cover-up and Trump will use
the perception to bolster his message. I did work in PsyOps once, and
Trump’s use of confirmation bias is legendary.
Bill Clinton
Will Likely Die This Year. If Trump Wins, Hillary Goes to Jail. Everything is
Corrupt, Even Trump is Dirty. The entire government is corrupt. No one
is clean.
We have our
hands tied. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get
distracted by Clinton’s e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of
the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in
comparison. I do not know of Trump’s record, but from the case he
definitely knew to limit his exposure and make it only look like a
A Multitude of
Scandals. Saudi Arabia visits and donates to the Clinton Foundation. Russian
Uranium fiasco. Hillary and the Israel lobby, the Council on Foreign
Relations. AIPAC. The list is endless. Three Choices – Could Crash
Everything. I will put it to you this way: You have three choices, A)
turn over all of the information to the Department of Justice, make
public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how
much the U.S. is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population
realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war
begins. B) cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the
eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the
whole system does not crash. C) do nothing and watch the unstable
political climate to gauge how you will respond. I am confident if Trump wins
Hillary will be going to jail and that is what THEY won't allow that to
happen at any costs.
The Problem is
the Entire Government.
FBI Director
Comey will likely resign in any case. FBI is being very quiet for a reason;
most of us want to keep our jobs. Snowden has nothing to do with any of
this. Obama and Hillary do hate each other. Hillary hates black people and
Obama dislikes recklessness. The problem is with the entire
government. Hillary is just one component of that government.
Hillary Sold
Safe Access Programs to Overseas “Donors”. All I can tell you about the Safe
Access Programs is Hillary had them, and she did not have
proper authority to have any of them. They were leaked to her by
someone, and she did sell them to overseas donors. Possessing them alone
makes her guilty of treason. Obama is loosely tied to the Clinton
Foundation, but much more tied in with the same people who donate to the
Clinton Foundation. Russian borders, Ukraine, everywhere NATO is, the
South China Sea, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Africa. George
Soros is at the heart of all of this. If it comes down to it, I would fight.
But most of us are of the opinion that Hillary will not be president, and
having Trump in office makes our job that much easier. But right
now we have to carefully wade through the mud. As I stated before, Bill
Clinton likely wanted Loretta Lynch to focus on the e-mail server and
shy away from prosecuting the foundation.
Needless to say if anyone
has any doubts about the validity of the above info it stands to reason that
the originator has to conceal his identity. Anyone present at the FBI
hearings was sworn to secrecy and leaking any info would at least cost him
his job and most likely add some jail time to boot. Worst
case scenario, someone probably would put a contract out on him. Most of
us know, at least the ones who have paid any attention to politics know that
in the past, many who have crossed the Clintons, met an
unexplainable early demise...Ron Brown and Vince Foster were no
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