Sunday, July 24, 2016



Judicial Watch is the leading organization that is helping "We The People", and they do all this from donations.  If you ever donate to an organization this one should be at the top of your list. And you can do it here:

Executive Summary & Status Update Election Integrity Battle Plan(2014)

Ample evidence suggests that there are continuing problems with inaccurate election rolls and voter fraud resulting from inadequate voter identification and law enforcement. Despite determined efforts by groups and candidates with vested interests in porous electoral systems to ignore or downplay violations of election law, reliable reports of voter fraud are widespread and more arise from each election. Since significant elements of the national media – and, sadly, many local enforcement authorities — cooperate in a “hear no evil, see no evil” strategy, cases of voter fraud have gone mostly unreported to the general public. But in 2012 when Judicial Watch launched its Election Integrity Project, it brought the reality of voter fraud forward in ways that the courts and even the media could not ignore.

Judicial Watch has achieved significant success in several states with a multi-pronged investigative and legal approach to restoring the integrity of the electoral process by researching, exposing and filing federal and state lawsuits to enforce provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) that were hitherto ignored and violated; and by providing expert legal advice to state efforts to protect the integrity of their electoral process through passage of commonsense voter ID and other election integrity laws.
Yet, enormous challenges remain. Here are some important facts:
  1. Voter lists are poorly maintained at the state and local levels:
    In 2012, the non-partisan Pew Charitable Trust released an astonishing report noting that “[a]pproximately 2.75 million people have active registrations in more than one state.”
    That same report observed that “24 million — one of every eight — active voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate,” and that “[m]ore than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as active voters.”
  2. Unlawfully present aliens vote in American elections:
    In December 2013, Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson asked her attorney general to investigate 10 non-citizens who voted in Michigan elections.
    Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted was able to con rm that at least 17 non-citizens voted in Ohio in the 2012 presidential election.
    A 2012 Philadelphia City Commissioner report on voter fraud con rmed that 19 non- citizens were registered in the city, with at least 7 voting.

An NBC News report from 2012 found 94 non-citizens registered to vote in Florida; some have voted several times.
A Bosnian citizen was among those illegally registering and voting in Iowa.
In 2005, the Government Accountability Office found that perhaps 3 percent of 30,000 persons called for jury duty from voter registration rolls in a single U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.
This kind of fraud could have an effect. There are many close elections. For example, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted reported that, based upon a review of 110 recounts conducted following the 2013 General Election on November 5th, 35 local races and 8 local issues were decided by one vote or through breaking a tie. And certainly most Americans remember how the presidential election of 2000 was decided by just over 500 votes cast in Florida.

C.  GOAL NUMBER ONE: Cleaning state voter rolls as required by Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA):
We have successfully pursued lawsuits that we initiated in 2012 and resolved in 2014 related to cleaning voter rolls to comply with the NVRA that will have a direct and positive impact in 2014 and 2016, in:
i. Ohio
 ii. Indiana
We have threatened NVRA lawsuits, and are working currently to avoid going to court by obtaining settlement agreements in:
  1. Colorado
  2. District of Columbia
  3. Iowa
We have made of cial inquiries of, and have ongoing NVRA investigations in:
i. Alabama
 ii. California
iii. Illinois
 iv. Kentucky
 v. Mississippi 
  1. Missouri
  2. New Mexico
  3. North Carolina
  4. West Virginia
We have hired experts to examine the voter rolls of all states covered by the NVRA. While the data is incomplete, we have learned that 226 U.S. counties have more registered voters than voting-age population. And some had more registered voters than the total population!
Because the U.S. Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder has shirked its responsibilities to enforce election integrity measures required by the NVRA, Judicial Watch is now the number one private government watchdog organization doing so.

D.  GOAL NUMBER TWO:  Supporting voter ID and other election integrity laws, and defending them in court:
Amicus or other participation in these cases:
  1. Pending North Carolina federal and state cases;
  2. Pending Arkansas state case;
  3. Pending Tennessee federal case;
  4. Pending Wisconsin federal and state cases;
  5. Pending Kansas and Arizona federal cases;
  6. Other voter ID cases which are almost certain to be led in the coming months.
Counseling states regarding passage of voter ID and other election integrity laws. For example, assisting Pennsylvania in redrafting and repassing its voter ID law.
Providing information in publications like The Wall Street Journal to the public in order to counter the re-hose of left-wing talking points and misinformation that are disseminated regarding this issue. For example:
vii. The general public is typically unaware of the fact that voter fraud of every
Election Integrity Project 4
description is a common feature of every federal and local election, and that it can decide outcomes.
  1. Large numbers of Americans profess no faith in our electoral integrity.
  2. Voter ID regulations are wildly popular in this country and are the world standard. A September 2013 poll by the Bipartisan Policy Center/USA Today found that 82% of those polled support voter ID, including 72% of black voters, 83% of Hispanic voters, and 70% of Democrats.
Most nations have voter ID laws. Europeans in particular are mystified by our failure to do so. It is a common sense measure, given all the other ID requirements we have.

E. GOAL NUMBER THREE: Supporting other important litigation efforts relating to election integrity:
Supporting Kansas in its efforts to require that a federal registration form demand proof of citizenship from potential registrants. Kansas won that case but it is on appeal and we have led an amicus brief in support of this measure.
Supporting Florida in its efforts to challenge a bizarre 2-1 circuit court ruling that forbids it from removing unlawfully registered voters – even illegal aliens – in the 90 days before a federal election. We plan to participate by ling an amicus brief in support of the state’s efforts to clean its voter lists.

The usual well-funded constellation of left-wing legal and media organizations:
NAACP, League of Women Voters, League of United Latin American Citizens, Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Demos, ProjectVote, the George Soros-funded Media Matters for America, the Brennan Center.
Topping the list, sadly, is the United States Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder. To wit:
i. The U.S. Justice Department is actively bringing cases opposed to election integrity, like the lawsuit opposing voter ID and other commonsense measures in North Carolina (and the one it lost in South Carolina);
At the same time, the U.S. Justice Department is ignoring its responsibilities under Section 8 of the NVRA, which requires states to remove from the rolls voters who have died or moved elsewhere.
The mainstream media, which gives all of the foregoing a free ride, reiterates their talking points, and ignores our facts.

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, Judicial Watch debunked a couple of bogus studies regarding voter fraud which were cited by President Obama in a recent speech before Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. Yet we continue to hear these bogus studies cited by our opponents, and the media lets them get away with it.

The evidence is clear that inaccurate voter rolls, inadequate voter ID, and lack of enforcement of election laws are exacerbating the existing problems of voter fraud.
The U.S. Department of Justice under Eric Holder has not only abdicated its responsibility to enforce the clean voter rolls provision of the NVRA, but is also actively attempting to block states from enacting commonsense voter ID laws.
It has therefore fallen to Judicial Watch to take the lead in intiating legal actions to enforce existing federal election law and to support states attempting to keep their elections honest. The ongoing support of our members is clearly essential in this effort. 

UPDATE  2016  Illegal as well as the illegal aliens vote in US elections
Judicial watch research shows that about 25% of the US noncitizen population including both legal and illegal aliens was registered to vote in 2010. The same study showed that 6.4% of non-citizens in 2008 and 2.2% in had voted 2010. Ohio secretary of state Jon Husted released a study identifying 20 local races–14 elections and six ballot issues  - we're decided in Ohio in 2014 by a single vote or via a tie-breaking procedure. A previous study in Ohio found that 43 local races, (35  elections and eight ballot issues) were  decided by one vote or by tiebreak.  So don't think you're vote does not count. 

Judicial watch defends common sense election reform such as voter photo ID, restrictions on early voting, same day registration, and out of precinct voting. Unfortunately for the country, many  disruptive politically motivated lawsuits are coming from the US Department of Justice.

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