Saturday, July 16, 2016


If you watched the TV news yesterday, July 15, you know about the attempted coup in Turkey.  In the early 1960s I spent four months in Turkey.   I went to six cities all across Turkey.  For a month or so I live on the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.

  When you have witnessed what President Erdogan of Turkey has not done to resist the spread of ISIS,  it is very similar to what Obama has not done.   Are they using the same playbook?

When you put it together the correct way it starts to make sense.    My first post (written in 2012) in this blog was on February 8, Our Country, What’s Happening and WHY. The first 7 pages,  The Tail Of Our Two Americas, I put together after reading two books, Brotherhood Of Darkness and The Obama Error  what’s happening so it makes sense.  Shortly after writing that I received an email that had an interview with Steven Pidgeon who wrote The Obama Error. After listening to it for 68 minutes the moderator Alex Jones of InfoWars said: With 4 minutes left in the program Alex asked Stephen to sum up for the audience who Barack Obama is, who does he work for, and what does he want to accomplish.  This is part of that summary: For the whole Story go to Feb 8, Our Country, What’s Happening and WHY

STEPHEN: You will find who he is in another book of mine you can find on titled Behold The  White Horse. This will tell you who he truly is.  People who are backing him ARE The New World Order -- the CFR, the Trilateralists, and the BuilderBurgers.  The banking cabal that is banking him, let me just say this to them, Obama will throw them under the bus just as he through the Saudi King under the bus, he will throw you under the bus too,  because his ultimate objective is to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate with him as caliph,  declaring himself the god in the temple of god that will be constructed in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount.  That is what he intends. That is who he thinks he is.

  The guy he is fundamentally tied to, his chief aid to bring about this New World Order, is Prime Minister  Erdogan of Turkey. That is his chief cohort.  If you watch his relationship between him and Erdogan you will see what he is doing.  He has twice stuck his finger in the eye of Nicholas Sarkozy  demanding his entrance into the EDU.

 I think this sums up both Obama and Erdogan.         They are both working on a Worldwide Caliphate. 

 The question you should ask yourself is: now that I know some of the facts, does this change my perspective on what’s going on in our Country?


On June 19, listening to a radio talkshow host and guess discussing how badly the Turkish coup was done. There were no major generals controlling the situation, the planning seem to be non-existent and no prisoners seem to be taken by the people attempting  the coup. After the coup was over a lot of people were rounded up and sent to jail. 

 From the Wall Street Journal on July 20, A few shocking statistics. Purges across turkey included thousands of teachers, Social workers and religious clerics.  Nearly 17,000 teachers, administrators, University professors and deans lost their jobs in the crackdown. The prime minister's office fired 257 people and a religious Affairs office fired 442 come and nearly 9000 people have been detained since the foiled coup.

What if it was an inside coup planed by Erdogan and designed to fail so he could put many of his opposition in jail. It appears that over the last 10 years Erdogan has been slowly moving toward the radical side of Islam by replacing judges, high ranking military people, and people within the Turkish government.

Turkey is geographically placed between the arabic countries to the south and European countries to the north. Turkey also has a very strong military force and is part of NATO. Consider the possibility of Turkey which is aligned with the west changing alliances to the Islamic states, where does that put Europe and the rest of the world at this point in time?   Something to ponder, so stay tuned and we will see what develops.

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