If you would rather see the whole article at one time click on the link below. IN ANY CASE HERE IS THE REST OF THE ARTICLE.
And you, your family, and your loved ones risk being the government's sacrificial lambs.
But it doesn't have to be like this.
I found this insanely effective technique I'm going to share with you in a couple of moments – while I was looking for alternative ways of ensuring my own family's survival.
Look: after digging up layer after layer of lies our government has shamelessly been feeding us and uncovering their apocalyptic agenda, I could barely get 2 hours of sleep per night.
I remember having a nightmare where my youngest daughter would come to me holding her teddy-bear in one hand and an empty glass in the other and with big, sad, teary eyes, she'd say: "Daddy, me and Teddy are thirsty. Why is there no water left?"
And all I could do was hold her in my arms and whisper to her ear: "I'll get some right away. Everything's going to be just fine…"
Even though I knew I was telling her a big, fat lie…
There just isn't a worse feeling than knowing you were not able to protect your loved ones, and because of that they're now in a position where they have to suffer.
I felt MAD.
Mad at the butcher government.
But on top of all… MAD at myself.
I was the head of the family. They all counted on my protection.
When I woke up from this nightmare, I swore right then and there that…
My family and my little girl will never have to suffer the grim fate the government planned for them
Now, the next morning I thought that if my family were to survive, I needed my own water supply.
At that time starting a water stockpile seemed to be a good place to start.
So I took a trip to Walmart, and busted almost $500 on a little over a 1 month supply for my family of 4.
However, when I handed my credit card to the cashier, I had this strange feeling…
Like I was giving blood to my arch enemy.
I bought that water anyway, but I decided it was the last time my money would contribute to corporations mammoth profits.
Plus, when I got back home, I ran into another problem.
All that water took up nearly all of the remaining free space from my pantry.
That's when I knew building a water supply wasn't the solution I needed.
I knew I needed something that could provide me and my family an endless supply of water…
So I thought of digging a well.
The idea seemed perfect.
I paid an expert to run a study to determine how deep I had to drill the well in order to make sure I'd never have the problem of running out of water.
The results was discouraging to say the least.
Since I had to drill the well 535 feet below, the whole investment – together with the well digging permits – would have cost me around $10,000.
I simply couldn't afford that much.
But I didn't get discouraged.
And luckily enough, my persistence paid off.
I stumbled upon a story of how people from the Arabian Desert use a weird device that allows them to effectively draw water out of the air.
As you know, water is in the air nearly everywhere on earth. Even in the most parched desert.
But since most of it is in its vaporized form, it doesn't do us any good.
However this device allows people to capture those water vapors, and transform them in their handy liquid state.
Amazing, right?
In fact, it was so powerful, it allowed these people a virtually endless supply of clean drinking water.
It was as though they had their own private, endless spring of water.
I knew I was on to something, so I wanted to find out more about this "magical" mechanism.
As it turns out, there are nothing but stories of success around it.
Even the army is using them – and they're getting up to 450 gallons of clean water a day!!!
The catch?
The military pay anywhere between $18,000 and $30,000 for 1 piece.
But the science behind this device is relatively simple.
It's why the idea of putting one together with my own hands started forming in the back of my mind…
But the more I learnt about it, the more I got excited… the more I got excited, the more frustrating it got.
Because as someone who hasn't held a screwdriver in his hand since finishing high-school, you can imagine I had no idea what to start off with.
Everything I found online seemed to be put together by MIT professors for MIT students.
It was all too academic and complex for me to comprehend.
I realized I was going nowhere on my own.
So I did what any other desperate father would do when the safety of his family is in his hands.
I found a part-time inventor and paid him to help me make my own simple, inexpensive and highly efficient endless water device.
The only 2 rules I had for him were simple: I had to make this with my own 2 hands, and he had to show me how without any academic mumbo-jumbo…
This needed to be the ultimate blueprint for the absolute beginner who has zero DIY experience.
We agreed on this deal, and we got to work.
We set up an online video session where he walked me and my daughter… step by step into every single phase of the project…
Every time we made a mistake, he patiently would tell us about it and help us correct it.
The end result was nothing short of amazing.
In a little over 60 minutes, with the help of my daughter, and without spend more than a couple hundred bucks – almost half of which went on purchasing a dehumidifier I could have gotten for free - I managed to create my own water generating device.
All I had to do next is make sure it really did the job – take the humidity out of the air and transform it into pure, crystal clear drinking water.
So I left it on overnight and made sure to check on it the next morning.
Now, as you probably know, the air humidity is normally higher during the day.
So I didn't expect much.
I would have been pleased to get a couple of liters.
You can imagine the wide grin on my face when found out my device had produced almost 1 gallon of water in only a few short hours – and running at probably half its capacity.
It felt like having my personal spring of pure and healthy water right in my living room.
I knew I'd get even more water during the day – which I did; gallons upon gallons of it - i couldn't believe my eyes… and all in less than half a day… and all for a measly 9c for every hour my water apparatus was plugged in.
I don't know about you – but too me, this was a small price to pay.
I mean, if you add that up, the 4 gallons of water I produced that day only cost me 99c.
Considering I would have had to pay at least $20 to get that much water from the supermarket, those extra few cents on the electricity bill was a compromise I was more than willing to make.
After all, I was actually saving money.
The next week, I jumped in my car and drove over to my brother's.
When I told him about my new "gadget" he got so excited, he insisted I showed him how to make one for his own family right then.
Now, since I didn't have my recorded expert video session on me then, I was a little reluctant.
The fact that just like me, my brother isn't exactly what you'd call "handy" didn't help either.
However, he was so fired up then, it was hard for me to say "no".
So we took a trip to the nearest hardware store, bought everything we needed and got to work.
And even though it took us the whole afternoon, I was able to recreate my water generating device without an expert looking over my shoulder.
It was like all the information I needed was downloaded in my brain when I first built it for myself.
Two days later I get a phone call.
It was my brother.
"Man, you've outdone yourself this time. This is like having Niagara Falls in my living room. Everyone should have one of these in their own home."
He was right.
My system needed to be made available to every God-loving, hard-working American.
So I packaged the whole material: the "look over my shoulder" video session where an expert shows you how to make your own water generating device… along with the step by step written instructions that go along with it…
And called it the Water Revolution system.

If me and my daughter were able to use these blueprints and manage to get an endless water-supply…
If I was able to actually show my brother how to replicate my success, without any outside expertise…
Then this is probably the simplest, easiest A to Z layout ANYONE can use to get their own endless water supply.
Not only will this system help you break loose of the corporation chains and save you hundreds – perhaps thousands of dollars…
But most of all… it will guarantee you and your family never end up on the wrong side of our government's criminal agenda.
It will give you the peace of mind you deserve.
All you need to do is push the "play" button once and watch this straightforward video…
You'll be stunned at how easy and quick it is to set up your very own spring of fresh, pure, clean water right in your home…
And at how much water you're going to get out of it.
Plus, if you try out the Water Revolution system today, you'll also get 2 very important bonuses.
These bonuses are FREE, and you won't find them anywhere else.

Bonus #1: Accelerated Food Growing System
Since the water shortage will also hit hard in America's food supply, I want to give you a "cheat code" for growing your own food.
This bonus contains another video, where you'll see how to build your own greenhouse so you can grow food year-round.
One of the biggest assets of a greenhouse is it can help you make serious amounts of money…
By selling those extra vegetables you produce that aren't typically available during the winter in your area.
Bonus #2: Emergency Water – How To Stay Hydrated in the Wilderness

Listen… it's hard to admit this, but you always have to take into account the fact that if a crisis strikes, you might be forced to abandon your home.
This bonus contains an insanely effective and easy to use technique to help you quench your thirst when in a wilderness survival situation.
Plus, you'll also discover a simple tweak you can apply to it that will help you greatly increase your water harvest.
You'll get these 2 bonuses absolutely free, if you test my Water Revolution system today.
By now, I'm sure you're wondering how much you have to invest to try my system now
When I first decided I wanted to make this available to the wide public, I set up a few meetings with some of those fancy publishers.
They said they'd help me make share my program with everyone out there.
However, all they cared about was how to turn my system into their best pay-check yet.
Someone even offered me $25,000 for my patent rights… but they wanted to put a price-tag of over $1,000 for one unit.
Naturally, I told them to beat it…
Water Revolution was born from the idea that it needed to be affordable for anyone…
There was one honest guy however, who opened my eyes to another possibility.
Share my system over the internet – which is what I'm doing today.
So far I paid more than I'd like to admit on hosting services and on advertisements…
That I don't even expect to cover my investment.
But if I end up saving the lives of some true American patriots – like yourself – I know it will be well worth the price.
Now let me ask you this: how much is it worth to you to know that your family's health, liberty and wellbeing are ensured shielded against the coming crisis?
And how will you feel one year from now… when America's public water supply will collapse, and water prices will skyrocket… knowing you could have "opted out" of paying hundreds of dollars on a few gallons of water…
But choose not to?
My Water Revolution program will show you how to set up your own system that will generate you an endless supply of water for kingdom come – in as little as a couple of hours.
You've seen how greedy agencies would have asked $1,000 for the exact same material I'm putting on the table right now.
But you know I'm not going to ask you that much – even though deep down, you too realize it's worth at least that.
It's not going to cost you $500 either.
In fact, it's not going to cost you the $137 my accountant says should be the absolute minimum I should offer this program for… in order to have any chances of getting back my investment.
Instead, to make sure this program goes to as many people as possible – and as long as I can afford keeping this video online – I'll let you have the program for only $39!
And remember: the money you're spending today, is money that keeps this video online, so more God-loving Americans can have a chance of surviving the coming water crisis!
The only way you can contribute my cause is to Click the Add to Cart button now.

I have no idea how long I'm going to be able to keep this page up – so you need to take action immediately.
Plus, because I want you to feel 100% confident about grabbing my Water Revolution system today, I want to offer you…
My full 60 days, no questions asked money back guarantee!
Simply click the Add to Cart button below and claim your copy of the Water Revolution…

Watch the short video and try to really absorb the information shown there…
Put it to use!
If you aren't 100% satisfied at the amount of water you're getting from the device…. If you don't believe with all your heart that using it will not only save you and your family hundreds – perhaps thousands of dollars on your water bill…
But will keep them alive during America's greatest humanitarian crisis.
All you have to do is simply shoot me an email and I'll refund your tiny investment right away.
No questions asked and we part as friends.
And you even get to keep what you learnt up to that point.
However, I'm sure that once you get to use my system, you'll see how it really pays for itself.
Plus, to sweeten the pot even more, the first 100 people who take action right now receive 365 days UNLIMITED email support.
That means that if somehow you get stuck somewhere on the road to getting your endless water generating device, you can send an email and ask for our help to get you "unstuck".
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