Saturday, April 16, 2016


Many have seen the TV add by M.D. Anderson which was rated #1 for Cancer Care by US News and World Report.  They only want to do one thing MAKE CANCER HISTORY!

We have had over 20 years of experience fighting various cancers starting with breast cancer. We have known for a long time that the medical profession is not doing a very good job eradicating cancer. I got this email from a friend and because we have been dealing with cancer decided to watch the first video. It is an amazing story and if you know anybody or of you have cancer., This is the best video you can possibly watch.  


If you want to do something about the conspiracy between the Pharmaceutical industry, the American Medical Association, and the FDA, send this to Donald Trump so he can offer a factual alternative to Obama care when it concerns cancer patients.

Donald Trump’s email:

A little more information about Episode 1 is included in the email I received below.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joyce 
Subject: Fwd: Here’s YOUR LINK to Watch (“TTAC: A Global Quest,” Episode 1)
Date: April 14, 2016 at 3:51:00 PM EDT

This ties into many things, cooperations, the constitution, etc

From: "The Truth About Cancer" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:37:34 PM
Subject: Here’s YOUR LINK to Watch (“TTAC: A Global Quest,” Episode 1)

Hey Robert,

Episode 1 of “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” opens live in less than 30 minutes. It’s called “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” and it presents crucial info you need to see first...

…So I wanted to make 100% sure you had the link to watch it. :-)

Here it is:

Click above and you’ll see the countdown timer, and at 9:00pm Eastern Episode 1 will be available for your viewing pleasure (so you can just leave the page open :-) ).

The only way we’re going to beat this disease is to understand exactly what it is, why we treat it the way we do now, and what we can do differently moving forward.

Just a couple things you can expect to learn in tonight’s show:

- The true history of chemotherapy and how the original “chemos” were based on the mustard gases of the World Wars

- Proof that corruption and fear are being used to enslave cancer patients

- Meet doctors who have been persecuted and destroyed for curing cancer

- Learn about the Hoxsey treatment being used in Mexico and meet the survivors from this groundbreaking treatment

- And so much more

Be sure to tune in tonight when Episode 1 opens live to the world at 9:00pm Eastern US right here. It will be available for you to watch for the next 23 hours only after that (until 8:00pm Eastern tomorrow night).

After you watch, help us spread the word by commenting and sharing the section below the video.

Thanks in advance and I’ll see you shortly!

Ty Bollinger

P.S. We’re doing something extra special that we tested last  year and everyone absolutely LOVED it.

We want to make sure that you have everything you need to prevent and treat cancer and that means answering questions that you may have along the way.

While watching each episode, please write down any questions you have. After the episode, click the link in the section that says “Live Q&A With Ty & Charlene” and ask us your top two questions from tonight’s episode.

Then after the 9 episodes are done, we’ll be holding a LIVE broadcast and answering all the top questions from each episode.

I’ll send more details on the special Q&A as it approaches. For now, enjoy watching episode 1 tonight at 9:00pm Eastern. :-)

Watch episode 1 here

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The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is
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TTAC Publishing, LLC P.O. Box 530Portland, TN 37148


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