Sunday, February 28, 2016


Dan Roberts recorded this short song.
Let's see how fast it goes viral.
Do you wonder who the scam man is?





Have you ever noticed or paid attention to the plastic beverage bottles you buy in a grocery or convenience store?   Drinks such as water, fruit juice, soda, iced teas, smoothies, etc. generally come in plastic bottles.
Have you ever wondered what the “number in the  chasing triangle” on the bottle’s bottom means.    There is a number stamped in a triangle (see image below) on the bottom of every plastic bottle we use, which varies from one to seven.  Sometimes it is stamped on the side near the bottom. Some claims are that the particular number represents the recycling process of the plastic or the amount of times that exact bottle has been recycled.   While it does have everything to do with recycling, the number of times an item has been recycled has nothing to do with the numbers.

The following chart represents the ‘Resin ID Codes’ or ‘plastic identification number’ (PIN) found on each plastic bottle in the chasing triangle.
# 1 –> PET ….. polyethlyene terephthalate
# 2 –> HDPE ….. high-density polyethylene
# 3 –> PVC ….. polyvinyl chloride
# 4 –> LDPE ….. low-density polyethylene
# 5 –> PP ….. polypropylene
# 6 –> PS/PS-E ….. polystyrene / expanded polystyrene
# 7 –> OTHER ….. resins or multi-materials

Some plastic leach chemicals not good for human health.  Which plastic water bottles don’t leach chemicals?  Choose your water bottles very carefully in order to prevent  drinking these chemicals that leach into your water.
Plastic  bottles are seen everywhere  carrying water around when we are on the go. If we drop them,  they don’t break. However, please pay attention to the type of plastic your water bottle is.  Ensure that the chemicals in the plastic do not leach into the water.   If you taste plastic, you are drinking it.   Get yourself another bottle.   To be certain that you are choosing a bottle that does not leach, check the recycling symbol on your bottle.

If it is a #2 HDPE (high density polyethylene), or a #4 LDPE (low density polyethylene), or a #5 PP (polypropylene), your bottle is fine.
The type of plastic bottle in which water is usually sold is usually a #1, and is only recommended for one time use. Do not refill it. Better to use a reusable water bottle, and fill it with your own filtered water from home and keep these single-use #1  bottles out of the landfill.     Actually, it is best to use glass.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Best few Minutes of your day. WOW. Spectacular.

Selections from over 200 videos. Over 300 sound effects. About 125 hours devoted by the artist to produce the video.

Is the end of Europe?


Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration !  (SEE OUR BLOG ON THIS SUBJECT)


This E-Mail came from someone who's family still lives in Germany !

A MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Click on "Is this the End of EUROPE",  and go to the video)

IS this the End of EUROPE




Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration.

Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration

The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States.

That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means."

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House. Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic.

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government.
Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion.
Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.
Written by
Sherrie Lynn Aldrich.


1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, a.k.a. the McCarran-Walter Act (An act to revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality; and for other purposes)

H.R. 13342; Pub.L. 414; 182 Stat. 66.

82nd Congress; June 27, 1952.

You can find the full text of this law here or download the PDF.


Otherwise known as the McCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was meant to exclude certain immigrants from immigrating to America, post World War II and in the early Cold War. The McCarran-Walter Act moved away from excluding immigrants based simply upon country of origin. Instead it focused upon denying immigrants who were unlawful, immoral, diseased in any way, politically radical etc. and accepting those who were willing and able to assimilate into the US economic, social, and political structures, which restructured how immigration law was handled. Furthermore, the most notable exclusions were anyone even remotely associated with communism which in the early days of the Cold War was seen as a serious threat to US democracy. The main objective of this was to block any spread of communism from outside post WWII countries, as well as deny any enemies of the US during WWII such as Japan and favor “good Asian” countries such as China. The McCarran-Walter Act was a strong reinforcement in immigration selection, which was labeled the best way to preserve national security and national interests. President Truman originally vetoed the law, deeming it discriminatory; however there was enough support in Congress for the law to pass.

(Summary by Wade Johnson) 

The McCarran-Walter Act: A Contradictory Legacy on Race, Quotas, and Ideology - A useful overview of the entire conflict of Immigration Nationality Act of 1952, providing information from the point of view of president Truman, Congressman Walter, Senator McCarran, and provides an informative evaluation of the legislation.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Walter-McCarran Act) - Describes the Act in detail historically, factually, socially, economically, politically and is useful in developing a substantive critique of the INA and its particular effects upon America and immigrants in general.
The Cold War at Home from GoogleBooks - First few sections of a book about the red scare in America which provides useful information about what started the red scare and how the McCarthy tactics were carried out.


Over the years since high school I have had back problems and sciatica pain. Chiropractors offered the best relief I could find, I would use them 3 to 4 times a year.

One chiropractor treated my pain completely differently and it worked quite well. I would lie on my stomach on a table and he would check the length of my legs to see if they were equal . He would take the ankle bones and touch them together, if one leg was longer than the other he would take one angular block (a 4×4 cut at a 45 degree angle is what I used) and put it under the hip bone of the longer leg. The other block would be placed on my other side under my groin. When the two ankle bones were equal he would stop adjusting the Longer leg block.   I would lie on the table for about 10 minutes, and the pain was gone.   He always advised after I left the office to walk a block or so to help the adjustments settle in.

I used this method of pain relief for about 30 years. In 2007 I had a minor stroke.   Although I was driving in about 3 weeks my balance was not as good as it was prior to the stroke. A few sessions in balance therapy have provided the best solution to my back pain I have ever found. One day during my balance appointment my back was bothering me and I told my instructor what I normally did to solve my back pain. He said "that’s a good method but I have a procedure that will eliminate your back pain and it will never come back."   (3 times a year X 30 years = 90 visits.  At $25 per visit = $2,250.


I laid down on a bench, he checked my ankles and found my left leg longer. He told me to raise my left leg and bend it about 45 degrees. He held my ankle in one hand and pushed on my knee to the left side and down with the other hand. As he pushed down he told me to push back with my knee. We did that for about 10 seconds and he checked my ankle length again. This procedure was followed one more time and the ankles were then equal. He did nothing more. I did not have any pain for several years. Eventually, I had some more back pain and had someone help me do this procedure again. For the last 5 years I have had no further back pain.  It has worked for everybody (100's) that has tried it except one.  It cost nothing to try, so give it a try.  If it works for you send me an email.

I think the reason the Chiropractors don't use this method is they would loose a patient, along with many dollars in income.

Friday, February 26, 2016


Colloidal silver is known to kill over 650 bacteria. When you take antibiotics that are known to kill bacteria, but they are prescribed for only certain types of bacteria,  while colloidal silver is good for combating almost all bacteria.   This is the reason why colloidal silver is sometimes called a HOSPITAL IN A BOX.

Antibiotics  are Loosing the Fight Against Super Bugs

As you know or not know, antibiotics are becoming ineffective against the superbugs. The Center for Disease Control and the  World Health Organization both admit failure.   They have no solution for untreatable mutant germs. The World Health Orgination in March 2012 said “a post antibiotic era–in which common infections and minor injuries can kill, a very real possibility for the 21st century”.    Whooping Cough is soaring killing American children. In some states it is up 1,300% in just 2 years. The medical industry and big pharma do not have an answer, but they won’t tell you about a decades old all purpose, time tested germ killer.

Colloidal silver is nothing more than extremely  small particles of silver suspended in distilled water. You can buy colloidal silver in most health food stores for $4-$8 per ounce. But, you can make your own for pennies an ounce with a colloidal silver generator kit.  A  generator kit  has only a few items which are used with distilled water.   1)  2 each 6 inch lengths of 99.999 pure silver wire, 2)   3 – 9 V batteries. 3) a very small incandescent light bulb . 4) a few feet of # 20 wire and  some alligator clips. The components are wired  and placed in a small plastic box.

 In our local newspaper a story about  soaring generic drug prices states that generic drugs have risen 30% in last few months.  One drug,  antibiotic doxycycline, rose more than 8,280% in 6 months from $20 per bottle to $1,849 per bottle.   If this is where our drug prices are going a colloidal Silver generator will be a great money-saving device as well as something to keep your family healthy.

The generators vary  electrically from 1 to 3 – 9 volt batteries or a plugin system that changes the 120 VAC to provide 27 volts DC.   With  the 2 pieces of silver wire suspended in distilled water current will flow in the water between the two wires, and the silver will flake off the positive wire in very small particles (.001 to .005 microns). These particles will remain suspended in the water solution which you can drink or apply to a cut or open sore on your skin. It is these suspended silver particles that kill the bacteria.

We have been using colloidal silver for over 20 years with the best results you could possibly want. When starting to show cold or flu symptoms we would always do 2 things:   1) start taking some colloidal silver, a few ounces 2 or 3 times a day.   2) take some zinc gluconate glycine lozenges like found in Cold-Eeze. They come in a variety of flavors. We like the Honey Lemon flavor the best. By doing these 2 things our symptoms would be gone in a day or two. We did this again just a few days ago.

Silver Lining Colloidal Silver Generator CS30 - we recommend

If the price is not above your health care budget ($120) a constant current generator like the CS30 is well worth  serious consideration.  If not, several modals are available in the $45 to $75 range.  The following link is where you can find the CS30.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

President Obama's Accomplishments


 Impressive list of firsts:

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .

First President to violate the War Powers Act.

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs when there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law and turn over control of major companies to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

First President to terminate America s ability to put a man in space.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily usurp congress, declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.

First President to join with a foreign country and file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

First President to go on multiple global apology tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

First President to repeat the Holy Qur'an and tell us the Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth.

First President able to break all these laws, be openly corrupt and get by with treason, simply because he's black.

WAKE UP AMERICA ! Send this list to your Democrat friends- they will all be so proud of all these firsts! Just think- this list could really grow if he just has four more years now that taxpayers have paid for his on the job training! Thank God for Fox News- pray that Obama doesn’t shut this network down to maintain control of what we think! Just how much more will this man get away with? I don’t want to know!

AFFH, What Is It & HOW BAD IS IT????????

This article was written by Bill Bigelow, who keeps track of what the county commissioners and administrators are doing to Charlotte County, Florida.  For those not in Charlotte County,  don't let this happen to your county or city.

At the end of the first article is the 2nd one How Obama Stole Dubuque, which explains a lot more about AFFH.


I am sending you an e-mail which I sent to Janet Knowlton today regarding the HUD AFFH regulation discussed in a Charlotte Sun news article, which was buried on page 17 of last Saturday’s edition---when it was Page 1 news.

Last week, I received a phone call from a county Commissioner to discuss an e-mail I sent on 1-22-16 to every member of the Charter Review Commission, stating the many reasons why the County Administrator job should be an elected office, not a BOCC appointed office. In that e-mail, I cited four compelling reasons why the current Administrator should have been terminated long ago; but, the circling of the wagons by the five Commissioners around the Administrator, assured the Administrator would remain in office forever. I thought it most curious and damning that an e-mail sent to each member of the Charter Review Committee by a citizen proposing a Charter change would end up being forwarded to any BOCC commissioner, especially given the content of that e-mail.

During the phone conversation, it was apparent the Commissioner and I have a major disagreement on whether the $750K HUD grant money should have been accepted, especially given the massive information readily available to show that AFFH (approved in July 2015) now sets up all HUD grant recipients for mandated change by HUD of the societal makeup of the area governed by the grant recipient. I told the Commissioner the e-mail he had called me about contained the attachment of a recent National Review article outlining the totally unconstitutional actions that HUD has taken against Dubuque, IA to mandate societal change in that city; and therefore he should read that article for all elements of AFFH are now embedded in the HUD grant agreement Charlotte Government has now executed. The Commissioner advised me that the agreement represents nothing but standard legal boilerplate, which it does not. The Commissioner closed the phone conversation by stating the Commissioner’s plate was full and the Commissioner would have no time to read what HUD did to Dubuque, IA. That article is attached to the Knowlton e-mail I am sending you.

Bill Bigelow

From: Bill Bigelow
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:57 PM
To: Knowlton Janette
Cc: Truex Bill ; Constance Chris ; Duffy Tricia ; Deutsch Stephen R ; Doherty Ken ; Sandrock Ray
Subject: AFFH

Ms. Knowlton, ESQ

I read your comments in the Charlotte Sun last Saturday, which inferred that your idea of the new HUD regulation, AFFH, is merely that “it is pretty benign.”

Given the massive analytical critiques of AFFH available from many, many credible investigative news sources throughout the country, I can only conclude from this quoted statement that any review of AFFH you made was superficial at best. To show you how wrong you, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Sandrock and the five Commissioners are on your closed, collective mindset that HUD is nothing but a good intentioned federal agency (and we need HUD’s money), I am attaching National Review’s recent article entitled “How Obama Stole Dubuque”. While reading this article, you should bear in mind the financial/societal demographics of Charlotte County closely mirror those of Dubuque, IA and that Charlotte County is now buying into the Agenda 21 strategy of Regionalism.

Ms. Knowlton, as the highest paid bureaucrat in Charlotte County, it is your and the second highest paid bureaucrat’s (Ray Sandock) responsibility to quickly identify and then critically analyze all major problems which could potentially harm the county and its citizens. AFFH has extreme potential to negatively impact the county’s societal demographics and BOCC governance power, as established under the Charlotte County Charter; and that power play could occur from HUD, which now has an open door to act against Charlotte thanks to local government action of accepting the $750K “blood money “ HUD grant----which agreement incorporates all aspects of AFFH without specifically identifying the regulation; and, therefore, the dangers of AFFH are now operative in Charlotte County, if HUD chooses to act against us. Dubuque is only the tip of HUD activism iceberg as evidenced by HUD’s creation of problems now being faced by other municipalities (Dubuque and Westchester County are only two examples). HUD lawsuits are now rampant under the Obama Administration and are geared to attack existing American Society, under Obama’s interpretations of the Fair Housing Law and its embedded regulations. Most municipalities cave early under such pressure/law suits for they do not have the resources to finance a long drawn out HUD lawsuit.

As Deborah Thornton, an analyst for the Iowa’s Public Interest Institute stated after analyzing the probable impact of AFFH and concluding AFFH could spell the end of local government in America, “If you take their money, you play by their rules.” HUD’s regulations are an attack on the American people, and, therefore, are not acceptable to all vigilant Americans, which you have shown us you are not.                   

When last June at the BOCC meeting, you were warned the acceptance of the $750K HUD grant could have major negative impact on the county if the county accepted this grant, you and Ray Sandrock chose to totally ignore the warning and, as a consequence, you have let down the citizens of this county and the Commissioners (who rarely read or analyze anything they are asked to vote on) by not deeply delving into the potential negative impact AFFH could have on Charlotte’s societal makeup, as chosen by our citizens. No, you chose to side with your HUD consultant (who obviously had a financial conflict of interest) to ignore the warnings out of hand; and, therefore, you have potentially put this county in harms way.

Given the enormity of this issue, I now challenge you to a public debate on the issue. You can bring in your experts and I will bring in my experts and we will debate in a pre-announced public forum whether the county is now vulnerable under HUD’s AFFH activism becaue Charlotte government accepted in October 2015 the first grant offered to us after AFFH was formalized in July 2015. What say you?

Oh, one more thing. Because the County accepted HUD money, HUD is now allowed to run their 2 minute “feel good” Fair Housing commercials on our local radio stations. Such type of marketing is done to either sell a product or to dumb down the listeners to pre-condition them about unpleasant things that are about to come. Thanks, for bringing this very disingenuous federal government department, which is famous foralways going well beyond federal laws, into our community.

Bill Bigelow

The writer is STANLY KURTZ,  and published in  NATIONAL REVIEW.   Let this be a lesson what can happen by accepting a GRANT  from HUD.   WGB Commerts: are inserted by Bill Bigelow AS they relate to Charlotte County, Florida which has already accepted a GRANT from HUD.

The Corner

How Obama Stole Dubuque

by Stanley Kurtz January 13, 2016 9:53 AM

What state is Dubuque in? If you answered Chicago, you are correct. Chicago’s no state, you say? Don’t be so 18th century — so “constitutional.” Dubuque is in Chicago, which is now a kind of state. Or to put it differently, the Obama administration is in the process of replacing our entire system of government — made up of nested local, state, and national, levels — with a regional framework. In Obama’s new dispensation, suburbs, small towns, and modest-sized cities like Dubuque will be turned into subordinate satellites of regional mega-cities like Chicago, regardless of which state these local governments are formally a part of.

Welcome to the world of “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH), President Obama’s transformative new regulation. How will AFFH work? The city of Dubuque gives us one of our best and most frightening previews yet. I hope the presidential candidates are watching, because Obama’s new AFFH regulation and the Dubuque fiasco ought to be an issue in this year’s Iowa caucuses. I also hope American citizens pay attention to the travesty in Dubuque, because it’s not too late to save your hometown from Dubuque’s fate. (I’ll tell you how to do this below.)

An account of Dubuque as a forerunner of a post-AFFH world comes to us courtesy of a stunning report by Deborah Thornton, a policy analyst for Iowa’s Public Interest Institute. The report tells the story of how Dubuque was pressured to cede large swathes of its governing authority to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has forced the city to direct its limited low-income “Section 8” housing resources, not to its own needy citizens, but to voucher-holders from Chicago.

Unlike the more familiar forerunner of AFFH, Westchester County, Dubuque is not an upper-middle-class suburb but a small and economically struggling city (WGB Comment: Just like Charlotte County). At $44,600, median income in Dubuque (WGB Comment: Realtor. Com sites $53,388 as being the annual median family income in Dubuque as compared to Charlotte County's medium annual family income as being $44K) is well below the state median of $51,843. Like other nearby Mississippi river towns with aging populations, Dubuque is hard-pressed to provide good jobs and decent housing for the low-income people already there: poor families with children, retired elderly, and disabled adults.(WGB Comment: Mirrors Charlotte County's experience) The city’s priority is to revive its economy by keeping its young people from moving away, and by attracting new residents who are willing and able to start businesses. (WGB Comment: Wow, Dubuque is a Clone of Charlotte County in all such problem areas) Like any city, Dubuque’s first obligation is to see to the needs of the citizens who already live there, vote, and pay taxes. Or so it was in pre-AFFH America.

Our story begins about eight years ago. Just as Dubuque was reeling from the effects of the 2008 recession and dealing with an uptick in its own low-income housing needs, the city was hit with a wave of “Section 8” low-income housing voucher applicants from Chicago. A few years earlier, Chicago had systematically demolished its most drug- and crime-ridden high-rise public housing facilities, using grants from HUD. Yet through its own mismanagement, Chicago had failed to properly replace its now depleted low-income housing stock, leaving many Chicago residents looking to use their Section 8 vouchers elsewhere.

With many more Section 8 applicants than it could house, Dubuque instituted a low-income housing point system granting preference to Dubuque residents, county residents, state residents, and out-of-state residents, in that order. Although HUD’s rules ostensibly allow localities to craft their own housing priorities, Dubuque’s point system was deemed unacceptable by HUD. The feds undertook a review of Dubuque’s housing policy that effectively treated the city as part of greater Chicago.
This, of course, is ridiculous. Dubuque is 200 miles and a four-to-five hour drive away from Chicago, even without traffic. And of course the two cities are in different states. But by effectively treating Dubuque and Chicago as part of the same “region,”(WGB Comment: Regionalization is a Agenda 21 concept/tactic) HUD was able to declare Dubuque’s low-income housing point system discriminatory. Since the vast majority of Section 8 applicants from Chicago were African-Americans, Dubuque’s preferences for citizens of its own city, county, and state were deemed racist. HUD insisted that Dubuque would have to admit housing applicants in conformity with the demographics of the larger (HUD-defined) region. Somehow Dubuque had become a satellite of Chicago.

Having previously accepted HUD funding through the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program, as well as HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program, Dubuque was formally obligated to “affirmatively further fair housing” in whatever way HUD defined that obligation. Refusal to submit to HUD’s dictates would have led to the withdrawal of federal funding, a lawsuit for supposed discrimination, or both. The cowed elected officials of Dubuque accordingly signed a “voluntary” (in truth, forced) consent agreement that effectively ceded control of the city’s housing policy to HUD for at least five years.

Under HUD’s detailed oversight, Dubuque must now actively recruit Section 8 voucher holders from the Chicago area. In fact, as of January 2015, the percentage of African-American voucher users in Dubuque was larger than the percentage of African-Americans living in Chicago. The problem is that very few of these new public housing residents have ever lived or paid taxes in Dubuque, or even Iowa. The feds have essentially commandeered Dubuque to solve Chicago’s public housing shortage. HUD’s diktat also imposes a huge administrative burden on Dubuque, with monthly, quarterly, annual, and five-year plans to be filed and followed up on. (Yes, a “five-year plan.”) Having “voluntarily” consented to a federal takeover, Dubuque is now obligated to follow HUD’s every command for at least five years.

Thornton rightly notes that Dubuque is a template for the coming implementation of AFFH. The rule will make it easy for HUD to effectively annex other Iowa river-towns—like Clinton, Davenport, and Burlington—to greater Chicago, although those cities are no closer to Chicago than Dubuque. The same pattern will play out nationally under AFFH, Thornton warns.

In a post-AFFH world, every region of the United States will be compelled “to meet nationally determined standards for the management and makeup of every aspect” of local life, says Thornton. AFFH will also force local communities into regional consortia directed by what Thornton calls “unelected governing boards who do not represent the voters.” Those electorally unaccountable regional commissions, she continues, “will set targets for the desired percentage of ‘types’ of people to live in each area of the region.” Cities and businesses, “buried under mounds of paperwork,” will have no choice but to submit.

How can a housing rule control every aspect of local life? It’s far easier than you might imagine. AFFH redefines “fair housing” to include proximity to transportation, jobs, and schools. This will effectively extend the power that HUD now exercises over Dubuque’s housing policy to nearly every other aspect of local development and planning. Under AFFH, once a town takes HUD money, it effectively loses control not only over housing but schools, zoning, transportation, the environment, and business location. As Thornton concludes, “If you take their money, you play by their rules.”

Dubuque shows that, over time, Obama’s AFFH rule could spell the end of local government in America. Thornton rightly warns against the regional consortia provided for in AFFH. Once HUD pressures a municipality into such a regional governing entity, local control is lost. But the Dubuque case strikes me as an even scarier precedent than Thornton implies. A city may not even have to formally join a regional consortium to lose its capacity for self-government. After all, HUD didn’t need to force Dubuque to formally join a regional consortium in order to turn it into a satellite of Chicago. All the feds had to do was classify Dubuque as part of greater Chicago, then judge the city’s housing demographics as out-of-balance with reference to the racial and ethnic make-up of the region as a whole. At that point, a trumped-up charge of racism and threats to withdraw funding or file a lawsuit “logically” followed. Without joining anything, Dubuque is for all practical purposes now part of Chicago, essentially because HUD has declared it so.

AFFH makes this trick particularly easy to pull off because the rule instructs all localities in receipt of federal grants to analyze their housing practices with reference to “regional data” provided by HUD. By forcing every town, small city, or suburb (WGB Comment: Don't kid yourselves, a county HUD grantee is included) that takes HUD money to evaluate the “fairness” of its demographic mix with reference to the demographics of the nearest mega-city, HUD can effectively institute regional government in America by fiat. If the ethnic mix of your town is substantially different than the ethnic mix of a city even 200 miles, a five-hour drive, and another state away, you will have to recruit that city’s dominant ethnicities to populate your low-income housing, so long as HUD declares you to be in that “region.” As Iowa is to Chicago, so may New Hampshire soon be to Boston. Are you listening presidential candidates?

In its story on the announcement of AFFH, The New York Times quoted Secretary Julian Castro downplaying HUD’s intended enforcement efforts. Castro portrays the cutoff of federal funds as a last resort that he barely intends to use, if at all. Dubuque makes a mockery of Castro’s claim, unless you credit the absurd pretense that the Dubuque’s compliance agreement was in fact voluntary, rather than the response of a financially-strapped town (WGB Comment: and “Charlotte County”) to threats of federal defunding and/or lawsuits—threats levied on the basis of a thoroughly contrived “regionalist” premise. When it comes to housing, Secretary Castro is now forcibly controlling virtually every move Dubuque makes.

Come to think of it, Dubuque may not be in the state of Chicago after all. What state is Dubuque really in? If you answered H.U.D., you are correct.

If you don’t want your hometown to become the next Dubuque, there’s something you can do to prevent it right now. Organize your neighbors and force your local government to stop taking HUD money. (For more on how to do this, go here.)

— Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He can be reached at


    Many people I know hope Donald will win the primary.   If he does and Hillary is the democratic choice,  here is some well documented ammunition for his campaign.

We should start sending this once a month until election day in NOV of 2016 .


AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL I WOULD LIKE TO ADD A FEW COMMENTS, but I will make them here as well.  This is so important I don’t want people to forget what the ultimate goal here is as stated in # 4 below.

             1)   In the 8 years of the Clintons in the White House I don't think they ever told the truth.  Now in the White House we have the Clintons on steroids. 

            2)    Hasn't the country suffered enough through this administration.  Do we want a continuation of the same policies for the next 4 years?

            3)   And finally, with a track record like  Hillary has, do WE THE PEOPLE even want her to run?

            4)   Now that she is running we should pass  this on to everybody in our address books and everybody should send this e-mail again at least once a month through Nov 2016.  Those that have Twitter and other media outlets, it will be easy to send, as it is just 4 links  that can even be set up on Twitter.  This will get it across the country once a month in only a few days.

 Before we get to the NEW DEVELOPMENT there are a couple more short articles I would urge everybody to read in the order presented.

My friend’s article "Summation on Hillary":  View this one first.

The Memory Hole!!!

A lot of people tend to forget the scandals surrounding the Clintons in the 1990s.  This link is a short article to remind you just how bad or good the Clinton years were depending on your political persuasion:

              1.  If you’re a conservative----- this will remind you that you should vote in 2016 and most important  in the general election.  Don’t sit this one out like many did in the 2012 election, and we got Obama again.

            2.    If you’re a liberal---- after reading these links ask yourself, do I really want the Clintons back in the White House?

  This link will jog your memory:

The Clinton Scam!!!

 Many wonder how the Clintons get millions of dollars donated to their foundation.  This short article will tell you how they were able to receive tax-free donations into their foundation.  It also mentions what part Chelsea Clinton plays in this whole scheme.

  This link will inform you about their foundation and things everybody should know.


The Clintons' Greatest Shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton!

This is only the tip of the iceberg.  This article is THE MOST COPLETE SUMMARY ON THE CILINTONS I HAVE EVER SEEN.

 If you want to SAVE OUR COUNTRY then you should spend the time reading this link.    If you don’t know history, at least fairly recent history, how can you make an intelligent decision?   The election in 2016 will be the most important our country will face since its founding.   You must do your best to make every conservative you know vote in 2016.

 You will learn things like:

1)    The lives and relationship of ALL the players during the Clinton administration, and even before that.

2)    Rhodes Scholar Bill likely raped a 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone at Oxford in 1969, and the fact he never graduated from Oxford.

3)    Biographer Roger Morris, on page 238 of his book Partners in Power, tells of another savage sexual assault by Bill that involved his lip biting modus operandi for sexual assaults.

4)      Bill and Hillary are in fact psychopaths: people who use and abuse others with absolutely no conscience.

5)    Hillary was Having Sex with both Webb Hubbell & Vince Foster, her partners at Rose Law Firm.

6)    Marinka Peschmann has written a historically significant book on the Death of Vince Foster: Suicide in his White House office with Hillary immediately demanding Foster’s body be removed from the premises.

These are just a few things you  will learn about the Clintons.  There are things about the Bushes you will want to know to help with your decision for 2016.  This link is a summary  of many books written about the Clintons.   This makes it much easier to do some research without having to read all the referenced books.

 This link takes you to the NEW DEVELOPMENT.

I’m sure you will find it interesting and increase your knowledge of our corrupt government, both parties.  Spend some time reading some of the links in the article.

We knew a lot of this back in the 1990’s.  A lawyer friend that had access to LexisNexis did a lot of research and presented to a group we belonged to.

The bottom line, lets elect the best non-establishment candidate we can find TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY.    It should not be a Clinton or a Bush.

HERE AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL I WOULD LIKE TO REPEAT MY COMMENTS,   This is so important I don’t want people to forget what the ultimate goal here is.

             1)   In the 8 years of the Clintons in the White House I don't think they ever told the truth.  Now in the White House we have the Clintons on steroids. 

            2)    Hasn't the country suffered enough through this administration.  Do we want a continuation of the same policies for the next 4 years?

            3)   And finally, with a track record like  Hillary has, do WE THE PEOPLE even want her to run?

            4)   Now that she is running we should pass  this on to everybody in our address books and everybody should send this e-mail again at least once a month.  Those that have Twitter and other media outlets, it will be easy to send, as it is just 4 links.  This will get it across the country once a month in only a few days. The best way is just to forward this e-mail. 

Monday, February 8, 2016





1-7                   THE TALE OF OUR TWO AMERICAS

7-9                   THE MISSING CHIP & YOUR PRESIDENT



13-15               PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION

15-20               AGENDA 21 and D.E.R.M

20-22               Obama Signs Executive Order To Legalize BLM’s Land Grabswww

22-25               COMMON CORE

25-27               THE HOUSE HAS THE POWER

27                    A NOTE ON WHERE WE STAND

27-28         EPALOGUE

28-29               EPALOGUE 2

29-30               THE PERFECT STORM



We all hear on the radio and TV what is happening around the world and in our country most of us feel it is not good but the question is WHY is it happening. A couple of months ago I purchased 2 books from Amazon.   You'll read about them in the coming article " The Tail Of Our Two Americas".  When you read these 2 books or the article below, you'll understand what is going on and WHY. One thing to keep in mind, the 2nd book I purchased on Amazon for $12.  When I look for it on Amazon now the cheapest used book is about $75 and the next one you can get is somewhere between $500 and $900 depending on the date you look.  Again, the question is WHY.

Once you have these 2 books under your belt you will begin to realize what is really going on in our country.  To help you put it all together page 1 to 5 is a summary of the first book.  Page 6 to 7 is a summary of the second book and will tell you 1) who Obama is, 2) who is helping him, and 3) what does he want to accomplish, by the author, Stephen Pidgeon.   You will be amazed at the correlation and how the world as we know it fits together when you read  the material below.

Brotherhood of darkness

 As you will see Brotherhood of Darkness is a book written by Dr. Stanley Monteith in the year 2000 .   It covers all the players in the NEW WORLD ORDER.     You may not  know some of these organizations, but they have been around for many many years.    They are people, kings and queens of several  countries, they are the players that want to control the world.

Cecil  Rhodes dedicated his life starting in 1877 to bring the world under British rule and recapture the United States.   He would have liked the world under Anglo-Saxon rule, but he knew he would never live to see this undertaking completed, but he dedicated his life to that cause.  Cecil Rhodes wrote Confession of Faith.  There he laid out his plans to bring the world under British rule and recapture the United States.

 Cecil Rhodes acquired the major gold and diamond mines of southern Africa and used his wealth to pursue his dream.  In 1891 he established a secret society.  Because he knew he couldn’t finish it he left his vast fortune to the Rhodes Trust to fund his secret society and the Rhodes Scholarship Fund.

 During the past century over 4600 young men have been sent to Oxford University where they were indoctrinated in socialism and world government. Pres. Bill Clinton, Gen. Wesley Clark,  Strobe Talbot, and thousands of other prominent men are Rhodes scholars.  They were in government offices, in national banks, on the board of corporations and tax-exempt foundations, on the Supreme Court, in the media, in our universities, in the United Nations Association, and in the Council on Foreign Relations.  All of the above casts a dark shadow over our nation.

We have a lot of clues as to what the Rhodes scholarships are doing to our country.  What is happening today?  We are threatened by terrorism, biological warfare, environmental catastrophe, global warming, acid rain, water shortages, nuclear attack, aliens from outer space, genetically altered foods, Y2K, new diseases, an  imploding social system, rising crime, moral decay, a failing educational system, and dozens of other real or imagined dangers.
Those responsible.     The Bankers.     You may not like it, but the banks can and do create money. They who control the credit of the nation direct policy of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.
Pres. Franklin Roosevelt wrote that he had a talk with J.P. (Jack) Morgan.  The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.  To sum up:  the Central Bankers have the power of financial capitalism and have another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.  This was stated by Prof. Carol Quigley who taught President Clinton at  Georgetown University. in Washington D.C.

The huge investment-banking firm of Goldman Sachs has included dozens of Rhodes scholars over the past half-century but never as many as in the 1990s when at any given moment at least half a dozen have been partners.


              The Council on Foreign Relations    

 The most powerful clique of these elitist groups have one objective in common, they want to bring about the surrender of sovereignty and the national independence of the United States– many informed people beleave that the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, is responsible for our problems.  Almost anyone of importance in the United States belongs to the CFR.  Their goal is to impose a benign stability on the quarreling family of nations through merger and consolidation.  They see the elimination of natural boundaries, the oppression of racial and ethnic loyalties as an avenue to world peace.   CFR members control both of our political parties. When a new president is elected there is a great turnover in personnel but no change in policy. This video tells a lot about the Council of Foreign Relations. 

              The Bilderbergers
 “Those who come to their meetings are. not the heads of state,  but give orders to the heads of states, in other words  the kingmakers”. –From Phyllis Schlafly.
  The Bilderburgers take elaborate precautions to prevent Americans from knowing who attended their secret meetings or what transpires there.   Why  aren’t the meetings of the Bilderbrgers ever mentioned in the media?  That is because members of that organization control most of the major media outlets in the United States and Europe.
 For those not familiar with the Bilderbrgers the following link is a 1-1/2 hour video which will enlighten any viewer. You will learn one of their main goals is to reduce the today’s world population of  6 billion. to 500 million.  (Note: I had to use FIREFOX to view the video.  But, I have an older version of SAFARI.) 
           The Club of Rome
 A small cadre of obscure international bureaucrats is hard at work devising a system of global governance that is slowly gaining control over ordinary Americans lives.   Maurice Strong, a Canadian, is the man at the center of the creeping UN power grab.  He is also at the center of Agenda 21 in which the United Nations plans to control every aspect of everybody’s life on the planet.
 We all know that communism started in Russia with Lenin and Marx leading the way. Although many Americans don’t know what Marxism is or can tell us who Karl Marx is.  It all started with the Bolshevik revolution, which was actually funded by several American   well known financiers like David Rockefeller.  Some people still think that Communism is a threat because of the CFR, Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome are communist front organizations.       Mikhail Gorbachev former dictator of the USSR was at one time working with the first three organizations and was a member of the Club of Rome. Then    Nikita Khrushchev was the dictator of the USSR, he was deposed and sent to Siberia shortly after David Rockefeller visited the Kremlin in 1964.  People who believe that capitalism and communism work together ask: who have the power to fire the director of
 the USSR?  Although Mao Mse-Tung who had slaughtered between 40 and 60 million of his fellow Chinese countrymen, David Rockefeller wrote, “the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history”.    Is it possible that communism and capitalism are working together to give everyone world government?
  Socialism means the quality of income or nothing, and that under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor.  You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you like it or not. If you didn’t meet their standards, you possibly would be executed in a timely manner; both whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well.
In June 1957, Nikita Khrushchev on nationwide American television stated; “I can predict that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism.  And please do not be afraid of that.  Your grandchildren will not understand how their grandparents did not understand the progressive nature of a socialist society. Every communist works to establish socialism because they are taught that socialism is a transitional stage between capitalism and communism”.  There are socialist organizations in every country, and the Socialist International coordinates the worldwide socialist movement.
Norman Thomas was the leader of the Socialist party in United States.  He wrote, “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened”.      On June 9, 1996, the Pittsburgh Press quoted  Earl Browder  the former chairman of the American Communist Party who said, “America is getting Socialism on the installment plan through the program of the welfare state. There is more real Socialism in the United States today than there is in the Soviet Union”.  
Under the Obama administration we have become that socialist country.   Our government has taken over the automotive companies, the banks, student loans for collage, healthcare for everybody, and now they are trying to force an AMNESTY program, and finally something called COMMON CORE on We The American People and every child in K-12 in the United States.    The USSR failed because they were broke compared to the United States.  Now we are broke with $17 trillion in debt, but we keep on spending more for social programs.  States are going broke and the U.S. government who is already broke will have to bail them out, with what, printed money by the Fed?
The book continues the discussions of Secular Humanism, Tax-Exempt Foundations, the Hierarchy, the Illuminati, the Order of the Templars, the Jews, the Bolshevik Revolution, and more.  Additionally many of the prominent men of the day were involved in our history, like Winston Churchill, Jacob Schiff, Henry Ford, Colonel House, Woodrow Wilson.  Colonel House was able to control the men who led the world between 1912 and 1938 because he had the ability to “ooze” thoughts into their minds. 

To help you understand what has been going on for a long long time watch this video.  You will find out about many of the organizations discussed here,  Skull and Bones and the Council of Foreign Relations are of particular interest. You may be surprised who are members. 
 The Masons and the Freemasons play a very large part in our nations history.  The Order of the Quest, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, and the Theosophical Society are in the mix.  To find out more please read the book Brotherhood of Darkness and then if you can find it read The Obama Error (second edition) by Stephen Pidgeon. Once you have these books under your belt you will begin to realize what is really going on in our country.  To help you put it all together the next page is a summary of 1) who Obama is, 2) who is helping him, and 3) what does he want to accomplish, by the author, Stephen Pidgeon.   You will be amazed at the correlation and how the world as we know it fits together when you read these 2 books.  Watching the news on Fox News Network and The Blaze with Glenn Beck,  and NewsMax you will be able to start to understand what is happening and maybe what we can do to stop it.

                                    FACTS ABOUT THESE 2 WELL RESEARCHED BOOKS
            BOOK             # OF PAGES              # OF FOOTNOTES           YRS TO WRITE
Brotherhood  of Darkness          144                          284                                          38
The Obama Error                        296                         276                                          Several

            WHAT WE MUST DO
Three things we must do, 1) Elect a Constitutional President,  who will do away with Obama Care,   2)  Build a wall on the southern border, and follow the law on illegal immigrants and 3) Get rid of  COMMON CORE so this evil program does not teach our children and grandchildren. Many States have passed an OPT OUT Law, if the student or patents do not want their child to take the tests the student can OPT OUT.  They thought it would be about 5%.  It turned out to be 25 to 30 %.   4) Vote in the upcoming election.  If you are not registered, do so.  3,000,000 people didn't vote in 2012 and we got obama again.  Don't sit this one out.
 Call your Governor and ask them to do what The OPT OUT states did. At the national and state level to stop these 3 things.    A few things we have a few days to accomplish. 1) Establish a 1 penny plan to reduce our debt, (Trump would make it a 2 penny plan and Don’t Raise The Debt Ceiling. 2)  Demand from your congressman a resolution to the 6 scandals now in Washington, 3)  Dissolve the IRS and go to a Flat Tax.  This will be a good start.   The latest immediate problem: 

Our President has signed the United Nations Gun Ban Treaty. Only the Senate can ratify treaties. We came within 4 votes in not stoping  the Gun Ban.  We need to elect a President who believes in the Second Amendment. 


Radio talk show host of InfoWars.COM, Alex Jones interviewed Stephen Pidgeon the author of The Obama Error.    The interview lasted 68 minutes.  With 4 minutes left in the program Alex asked Stephen to sum up for the audience who Barack Obama is, who does he work for, and what does he want to accomplish. This is what was said during those last 4 minutes.

 Alex:  This story is so deep and so pervasive, can you sum it up for us.
 STEPHEN: You will find who he is in another book of mine you can find on titled Behold The  White Horse. This will tell you who he truly is.  People who are backing him ARE The New World Order -- the CFR, the Trilateralists, and the BuilderBurgers.  The banking cabal that is banking him,  let me just say this to them, Obama will throw them under the bus just as he through the Saudi King under the bus, he will throw you under the bus too,  because his ultimate objective is to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate with him as caliph,  declaring himself the god in the temple of god that will be constructed in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount.  That is what he intends. That is who he thinks he is

He gave a speech in Berlin in front of the statue on Nike, and he fished saying  “this is my struggle” which in German means Mein Kamph . Do not think he is not a Nazi.  He is an Islamic Nazi. He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.   He is engaged in Islamic Jihad against the United States and wants the ultimate overthrow of this country, and he is 80% finished.

ALEX: Who at the highest level in this country are aiding him? Who in this country is aiding this man in this over throw? 
STEPHEN:    Every member of the Supreme Court knows who he is.  There are 2 members of  the Supreme Court that have enough integrity to say no to him which are Clarence Thomas and  Sam Aleto All the members of Congress know who he is.  They won’t touch him primarily because of their relation to the Vatican and the Vatican’s bank, which is worth looking into.  In addition to that, the people that are inside in the intelligence agencies in this country have been compromised and mostly privately paid for. They have no loyalty to this country whatsoever.   They are corporate fascists. What they don’t know is his allegiance and alliance is to Islam.    Those who are adding and abetting him worldwide  believe he is a British  subject and a member of the New World Order. 
    What they don’t know is his alliance and allegiance is to Islam more than he is to the New World Order,  which they will discover the hard way.
 People try to point their finger at George Soros who is just an agent provocateur for the New World  Order.   He is just one guy in the mix.
   The guy he is fundamentally tied to, his chief aid to bring about this New World Order, is Prime Minister  Erdogan of Turkey. That is his chief cohort.    If you watch his relationship between him and Erdogan you will see what he is doing.  He has twice stuck his finger in the eye of Nicholas Sarkozy  demanding his entrance into the EDU.
ALEX: ,  Stephen, I’m going to hold it right there as we are totally out of time.
His first statement after being elected was “we are 5 days from fundamentally changing the United States”.  You can’t name one thing he has done to get us out of the economic crisis we were in after he took office.    For  7 years he  said what his administration and the country should do -- and it sounds great, but what he does is the exact opposite.  He has appointed Marxist’s and now Muslims to his cabinet and his 39 czars, none of which believe in capitalism. Now  we have Muslims as advisors.  The Fox News leaders should quit wondering “why” he does what he does.  They must start thinking his “goal” is to DESTROY AMERICA.   He is doing a good job of that. Now he is sending aid to Al Chaida and the Talaban, which we are at war with. Two ways we can defeat his goal: 1) impeach him, any one of the three reasons will do.  2)  join with Larry Klayman and Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona in their law suit to make him prove he is a natural citizen, his birth certificate and social security card are both fraudulent.      If we can do that his election will be Null and Void, and everything he has signed into law is Null and Void.  But another question comes up.  If he is impeached them will all the laws law stand as written.  We need to find out the answer to this question before we decide whether to impeach him or go with Larry  Klayman.    Get to work CONGRESS and do your job to save our country.



A few days ago, 7-14-2015, Sean talked to several people including Dick Chaney, about how bad the Iranian nuclear agreement is.  At one point Sean wondered what is the missing CHIP?     Fox News's own  Commentator   Bob Bechtel told the nation what the missing CHIP  is.

About the 19th of June,  I turned on the TV and the program on was Fox News “THE 5 “ and Bob Bechtel was speaking.  He said:H “I can tell you what’s wrong with our country, we have a Muslim in the White House, educated as a Muslim in Indonesia, and studied the Quran”. And I watched him say it:

When you understand these facts it all becomes clear.  Only 27 words explains why Obama does what he does.  In a few words, he does nothing for Christians, but a lot for Muslims or Muslim countries.   The U.S. is almost bankrupt and Ron Paul has a web site that says we will loose the reserve currency in October of this year.   Our country is being destroyed.   But he did say "he was  5 days from fundamentally transforming America".  He is about 95% done.

Sean, if you want to get to the bottom of this story interview Stephen Pidgeon but before you do read two of his books 1) The Obama Error and 2) Behold a White Horse.   This will explain a lot of things people at Fox News don't know or have been told not to talk about.

And where is Bob Bechtel now?   Has he really entered a rehab facility for treatment of an addiction to prescription pain medication. OR  did some one in the administration tell Fox to get him off the air?

Sean, you have an audience of millions, please read the two books and interview  Stephen Pidgeon.

Another email I receive a couple of weeks later.  See if you can take any issue with the statements made by YOUR PRESIDENT?

I am not "incompetent”.  I am destroying America more quickly than anybody thought possible.

I am not  "in over my head”.  I am advancing totalitarianism right under your noses.

I am not  ”stupid”.  The "stupid" are those who fail to see the danger I bring.

I am not ”failing”.  I am succeeding at every goal I have set.

I am embracing your enemies and rejecting your friends.

I am acting lawlessly and unconstitutionally.

I am ignoring your Constitution.

I am disobeying your laws.

Your media is abetting me.

Your Congress is not stopping me.

Those sworn to defend your Constitution are not removing me.

I am” fundamentally transforming the United States of America",

Your Constitution, liberty, freedom, wealth, future and children are no longer at risk........  The risk is passed;   they already are lost.



Something that must be given serious consideration.  How long will we keep our head in the sand, perhaps as long as we still have one.   (Remember - what happens if you don’t convert?)

This information has all been checked, then double checked... it is 100% Correct.

That's why there is such an alarm within US government, since  Trump's statement about temporary suspension of migration of Muslims to US till US authorities make sure there is a proper concept of safe penetration of US territory.

People are stunned to learn that the head of the U.S. CIA is a Muslim!

 Do hope this wakes up some!
 You mean until it hits you like a ton of bricks read it again, until you understand!

 We now have a Muslim government.

 John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.

Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.

Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.

Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim..

Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim..

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.

1/13/15:?? Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson,> D-Ind, as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives> Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It would make Carson the
first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on> the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has suggested
that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where
education is based on the Quran!!!

 And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

 It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when
he was sworn in. He didn't repeat the oath properly to defend our
nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given
the oath again in private.

 CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution,
not a Bible..??
Valarie Jarret wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim friendly nation and she is a Obama top advisor

 Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an

 Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and verbally tarred and
feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking
over our government.

 Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his
minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical
Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a
blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over
Africa and the Middle East..

 The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become!

 Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want
to destroy us. It can only get worse!

 If you fail to pass this one on, there's something wrong.. Somewhere!

 In his book he said,. "if it comes down to it, I would side with
the Muslims".

 Common sense doesn't grow in everyone's garden.


Time to Indict the Political Class! With Citizen’s Grand Juries.  CGJ background.
By Larry Klayman
April 20, 2012

            Lary Klayman is convening two  citizens grand juries. A judge in Florida has agreed that Larry has standing to  form these two  citizen grand juries.  The 1st one is designed to make Obama prove he is a natural citizen.  The 2nd one is to take  Judge Roberts and Kagan of the Supreme Court to stand trial as  hey signed Obama care that it was a tax not a penalty. Looks like the Supreme Court broke the law.  All tax bills have to originate in the House of Representatives.  Obama care originated in the Senate so it is not legal for the Judges to approve it as a tax.   Next is a passage  from Larry Klayman’s web site concerning his citizens grand juries.  Read it and see if you would like to contribute to this effort.
His web site is

With government corruption and treasonous acts running rampant, particularly with regard to President Obama and his administration, many have asked what ordinary American citizens can do to legally mete out justice. Short of violent revolution, there is only one strong legal mechanism that can be invoked. That is the so-called "citizens grand jury," by which Americans themselves can enforce the law. This is our only recourse to hold the president and his accomplices truly accountable for their actions. Over the years, impeachment has not worked, nor has any other means to address crimes at the presidential and other high levels of government.

In this regard, the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution establishes that "no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury." A proper understanding of the effect of this requirement begins with the common law, since, as Supreme Court Justice Learned Hand stated in re Kittle, "we took the [grand jury] as we found it in our English inheritance, and he best serves the Constitution who most faithfully follows its historical significance."

The grand jury dates back at least to 1166, under the Norman kings of England. These earliest grand juries were convened to provide answers from local representatives concerning royal property rights, but developed into a body of 12 men who presented indictments at the request of either private individuals or the king's prosecutor. (Susan W Brenner & Gregor G. Lockhart, "Federal Grand Jury: A Guide to Law and Practice," 4 [1996]). The Magna Carta granted individuals the right to stand before a grand jury to be charged of their crimes. (Id)

By 1681, an important characteristic of the grand jury had developed: the rule of secrecy. This characteristic set up the grand jury as a bulwark against government abuse. Grand juries were designed to exclude all outside persons, including the government's prosecutors, ensuring that all phases of an investigation (not just deliberation) remained secret. Thus, English grand juries functioned to prevent prosecutorial abuses by blocking the king's attempts to prosecute.

This tradition was continued and expanded by colonial grand juries. In America, the grand jury originally began as a defense against the monarchy and was arguably even more independent than the English grand jury of the 1600s. American grand juries initiated prosecutions against corrupt agents of the government, often in response to complaints from individuals. For example, a Massachusetts grand jury refused to indict the organizers of the Stamp Act rebellion. (See Roger Roots, "If It's Not A Runaway, It's Not A Real Grand Jury," 33 Creighton L. Rev. 821, 832). Four years later, another Massachusetts grand jury indicted some British soldiers located within the city boundaries for alleged crimes against the colonists, but refused to treat certain colonialists who had been charged by the British authorities for inciting desertion in a like manner. Similarly, a Philadelphia grand jury condemned the use of the tea tax to compensate British officials, encouraged a rejection of all British goods and called for organization with other colonies to demand redress of grievances.

By the dawn of the 20th century, the powerful role of the grand jury had come to be established law. In 1902, a Minneapolis grand jury, acting on its own initiative, hired private detectives and collected enough evidence to indict the mayor and force the police chief to resign.

In Frisbie v. United States, Supreme Court Justice David Brewer declared that "in this country it is for the grand jury to investigate any alleged crime, no matter how or by whom suggested to them, and after determining that the evidence is sufficient to justify putting the suspected party on trial, to direct the preparation of the formal charge or indictment." [157 U.S. 160 (1895)]

Again, in Hale v. Henkel, Supreme Court Justice Henry Brown stated that "we deem it entirely clear that under the practice in this country, at least, the examination of witnesses need not be preceded by a presentment or indictment formally drawn up, but that the grand jury may proceed, either upon their own knowledge or upon the examination of witnesses, to inquire for themselves whether a crime cognizable by the court has been committed." [201 U.S. 43 (1906)]

More recently, in United States v. Williams, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia held, writing for the majority of the court, that "[t]he grand jury's functional independence from the Judicial Branch is evident both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal wrongdoing and in the manner in which that power is exercised. 'Unlike [a] court, whose jurisdiction is predicated upon a specific case or controversy, the grand jury "can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance that it is not."'" [504 U.S. 36, 48 (1992) (quoting United States v. R. Enterprises, Inc., 498 U.S. 292, 297 (1991)]

Speaking of the origins of the grand jury, Scalia also found that "the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right. In fact the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the government and the people. Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional relationship with the Judicial Branch has been, so to speak, at arm's length. Judges' direct involvement in the functioning of the grand jury has generally been confined to the constitutive one of calling the grand jurors together and administering their oaths of office." [ Id. at 47]

Although the customary practice for summoning a federal grand jury is by a court (see Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, or FRCP), such action is mandatory "when the public interest so requires." Regardless, the FRCP does not preclude citizens from exercising their own rights to impanel grand juries under the Constitution. [See, i.e. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), establishing the doctrine of judicial review.] Thus, it is clear that citizens themselves can impanel a grand jury, and if a true bill of indictment results, the courts are technically required to commence proceedings and the executive branch to enforce the court's edicts. However, if the courts refuse and the executive branch does not carry out its duties by, for instance, arresting the criminally accused, Americans do have a right to make "citizens arrests," hold trials and legally mete out punishment in their own right. Indeed, this is what occurred in the western part of the United States, in particular, during our early years as a nation — before there was a developed federal court system and executive branch.

Given the increasingly corrupt and treasonous actions of our public officials, which have nearly destroyed our republic, and the almost complete breakdown of the justice system as run by the government, the time has come for we Americans to rise up and use the God-given rights left to us by our founders. We can do this by using citizen-impaneled and administered grand juries to hold presidents like Obama and others at the highest levels of government accountable for the crimes that have driven our nation to the brink of extinction.

                                                PACIFIC LEGAL FOUNDATION

The Pacific Legal Foundation is challenging constitutionality of Obama Care being considered as a tax.

Contact:    Paul J. Beard II
Principal Attorney
Pacific Legal Foundation
(916) 419-7111

Timothy Sandefur
Principal Attorney
Pacific Legal Foundation
(916) 419-7111
PLF’s fight against Obamacare moves to the court of appeal

SACRAMENTO, CA;  July 9, 2013: Pacific Legal Foundation has appealed to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in PLF’s lawsuit targeting Obamacare’s individual mandate as an unconstitutionally enacted tax.

PLF’s notice of appeal was filed late last week, after U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell sided with the government’s motion to dismiss.

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court characterized the individual mandate — the charge for people who don’t buy health insurance — as an exercise of the federal taxing authority.

That holding opened the way for PLF’s legal assault: PLF’s lawsuit argues Obamacare was introduced in the wrong house of Congress. It started in the Senate even though the Constitution’s “Origination Clause” (Article I, Section 7) requires that taxes start in the House.

“The district court wrongly held that the individual mandate is not a ‘bill for raising revenue,’ and therefore doesn’t come under the Origination Clause,” said PLF Principal Attorney Timothy Sandefur. “This misses the point of what the individual mandate is and what it does. While some kinds of taxes have been held not to be ‘bills for raising revenue’ and not subject to the Origination Clause, this is only where the tax is really just a penalty or a fine used to enforce compliance with some other constitutionally valid law. Such logic doesn’t apply to the individual mandate, because the Supreme Court itself, in its Obamacare ruling last year, explicitly denied that the individual mandate is a ‘penalty.’ Therefore it must be a ‘bill for raising revenue’ subject to the Origination Clause.”

Paul J. Beard II
Principal Attorney

Timothy Sandefur
Principal Attorney
The district court went on to say that Obamacare complied with the Origination Clause because it was introduced in the Senate as a constitutionally legitimate amendment to a revenue-raising measure that began in the House. “The problem with that analysis is that the House bill had no connection to health care,” said PLF Principal Attorney Paul J. Beard II. “It was about helping veterans buy homes. Moreover, it didn’t raise revenue. Its tax credits for veterans and corresponding tax increases on corporations were designed to be revenue neutral. Finally, Obamacare wasn’t added as a true amendment. Rather, Obamacare was substituted for the provisions of the House bill, which were totally stripped out.

“Obamacare saddles the American people with massive new taxation, and it does so in defiance of constitutional procedures designed to protect taxpayers,” Beard continued. “PLF will fight this crushing, unconstitutional mandate all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.”

Plaintiff Matt Sissel: “I’m in this to defend freedom and the Constitution”
PLF attorneys represent Matt Sissel, an Iowa small business owner who chooses to pay for medical expenses on his own, rather than buy health insurance. He objects on financial, philosophical, and constitutional grounds to being ordered by the federal government to purchase a health care plan he does not need or want, on pain of a financial penalty.

“I’m in this case to defend freedom and the Constitution,” said Sissel. “I strongly believe that I should be free — and all Americans should be free — to decide how to provide for our medical needs, and not be forced to purchase a federally dictated health care plan. I’m very concerned about Congress ignoring the constitutional roadmap for enacting taxes, because those procedures are there for a purpose — to protect our freedom.”

 “I am grateful that PLF is representing me without charge and allowing me to take a stand for principles, for my rights, and for the integrity of our Constitution.”

The case is Sissel v. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. PLF’s pleadings, a detailed litigation backgrounder, video, and a podcast may be found at PLF’s website:

About Pacific Legal Foundation
Donor-supported Pacific Legal Foundation is a watchdog organization that litigates for limited government, property rights, individual rights, and free enterprise, in courts nationwide.    VISIT THEIR  WEB SITE AT  If you want to support our best chance to defeat Obamacare consider donating.


AGENDA  21  AND   D.E.R.M.

Many know about AGENDA 21  but few know about D.E.R.M.


 AGENDA 21 IN ONE EASY LESSON   from      http//
What is Sustainable Development?
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.
Social Equity (Social injustice)
Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social injustice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.
Economic Prosperity
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of
 Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies.
Local Sustainable Development policies
Smart Growth, Wildlands  and Wetlands Projects, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.
Agenda 21 and Private Property
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…” Report from the President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.1
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.

Reinvention of Government
“We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project. Harvey Ruvin, Miami Dade Clerk of Court,  is also Chair of the County's Climate Change Advisory Task Force (CCATF).
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable?
Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
Who is behind it?
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.
Where did it originate?
The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.
What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?
More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community
Governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation.
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced… ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR
Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!
“The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
“No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.” The Local
Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.”  THEIR WEB SITE IS




Jose Fernandez demands the dismantle of D.E.R.M in front of the Miami-Dade Commissioners.  

Florida resident, Aida Fernandez, went on a hunger strike to protest the abuse by D.E.R.M., the Miami Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management, against 400 property owners in an 8.5 sq. mile area in S.W. Miami, FL who faced hundred of thousands of dollars in fines and destruction of their property as the county classified their land as environmentally sensitive wetlands. The property owners call it a land grab.

At a meeting called by Commissioner Linda Bell between D.E.R.M. Director Carlos Espinosa and property owners,  one person called D.E.R.M. one of the most predatory agencies he’d ever dealt with, after the IRS. The county maintained it was protecting the environment.
Property owners called for Espinosa to be forced down from his position of power and abuse and Commissioner Bell called for an investigation of D.E.R.M.’s enforcement practices. Espinosa subsequently resigned.


Case #1: Aida Fernandez, Miami-Dade County Department of Environment Resources Management - DERM unilaterally classified at their discretion properties as wetlands, as admitted by Carlos Espinosa, Director of DERM in an interview by Carmel Caffiero, Channel 7, WSVN "Carmel on the Case". In this video, Mr. Carlos Espinosa states that DERM’s employees decide if you are a wetland while conducting a DRIVE-BY. No soil test, no water, no methodology. Once that is done, the nightmare begins. I have been harassed, coerced, intimidated and judicially persecuted. The judicial persecution cost me in 8 months $167,000. In April 2010, I was coerced into signing an agreement wherein I am stating that I am to destroy all of my agricultural operations which is a 7.5 acre property located approx at 15801 SW 212 Avenue. I call it extortion because before I had to sign I had to endure all the motions filed against me in court, changes of judges back and forth in my case, depositions, injunctions and many hearings and motions to hold  me in "Contempt of Court". They went as far as to give me a “RESTRAINING ORDER ON MY PROPERTY” – MY PROPERTY. PAID BY ME! I was advised at that time by my attorney to file bankruptcy immediately so that the bankruptcy judge could stop them from ENCARCERATING me. That scared me pretty badly! After that hearing they continued the persecution. One of the judges, Judge King-Leban granted me a "stay” and urged me to appeal at the 3rd District Court. I had to get a bond of $12,000 in order for me to be able to file the motion at the 3rd District Court of Appeal, which I promptly complied with. I won the preliminary hearing at the 3rd District Court. Immediately DERM filed in the 11th judicial court a removal of my “stay” with another judge. This serves as an example how DERM is empowered by the 11th judicial Court to serve their purpose. They continued threatening me with holding me in contempt of court. I was cited to a deposition so that they could put emphasis that I had not stopped my illegal agricultural operations. Note: I have all my permits on State, and municipal level including a Water Permit from South Florida Water Management. In this deposition they told me that I was already financially broke and that even if I would win the case in the 3rd District court, they would still pursue me until I was destroyed. I got very scared after this meeting for I am a mother and grandmother. I could not afford to be taken to jail. THEREFORE, I SIGNED the extortion agreement. I had to remove/sell 40,000 hibiscus plants in 3-gal pots or I would be held again in contempt of court. Due to the fear and intimidation, I had to sell all my plants to a company that filed bankruptcy 6 weeks after they were shipped – leaving me with no money. The intimidation is fierce when it comes to them putting pressure on people. I received an e-mail from DERM/County Attorney where it said and I quote: "...the clock is ticking - she has 25 days to remove all pots/plants, etc..."! This demonstrates their ability to intimidate and harass.

Case #2: Mr. B.W. Laundrum, my neighbor on 212 Avenue. He is 85 years old and his wife is in a wheelchair.  He purchased this property about 30 years ago. He built his house, lake/pond, etc. all with permits. DERM tells him he is a wetland and takes $30,000 dollars for mitigation fees/permit. DERM comes back denies the permit and keeps his money. He is ordered to remove everything or pay $250 fine per day. Mr. Laundrum is desperate. DERM kept the $30,000 and told him that the palm trees were planted from east to west – should be north to south. However, does not refund his money and still faces fines. Mr. Laundrum receives dialysis 3 times a week. His wife is in a wheelchair suffering from M.S. and has to receive medical attention at a price of $5,000 dollars per month! Not to mention he has to endure the constant harassment and intimidation by visits to his property! HE PAID FOR HIS CLASS IV WETLAND PERMIT WITHOUT BEING A WETLAND – NOW HE IS OUT OF MONEY AND PERMIT. By the way, Mr. Laundrum has a letter from the Corps of Engineers that states that his property IS NOT A WETLAND.

Case #3: Dr. Walter Besser, my neighbor on 212 Avenue owns a 5-acre property. Derm drives by and gives him a “cease and desist”. DERM makes him sign an agreement to pay $110,000 in mitigation fees/permit to be able to keep his nursery, then, turns around and says NO, we are sorry. He is ordered to remove all of the coconut trees that are planted in rows. His palms are from north to south. They kept his deposit money. He has removed all f his coconut trees  by hand because no machinery could go into the property because of the heavy rains experienced during the month of Sept/2010. He kept on requesting for an extension due to the situation but DERM would not give him the extension and threatened to fine him on a daily basis. The property now is left there to re-vegetate meanwhile owner keeps on paying taxes.

Case #4: HANK AND CYNTHIA RIDINGS: This family gets relocated from the part of the 8.5 Square mile area that was acquired through eminent domain from the US CORPS. OF ENGINEERS and are given the option to buy in exchange in the "protected area" of the remaining 8.5 sma. The seller of the property they chose for the exchange is South Florida Water Management. They fix their house, spent thousands of dollars on improving their property then DERM appears and tell them that they are a "wetland". Now you would think that since present at their closing were attorneys representing the Federal Government (Buyer - since they were paying for the relocation through eminent domain) and State attorneys (seller South Florida Water Management) that the attorneys would have noticed while doing the title search and transferring of the deed that this was a "wetland" property. Nothing on the deed or title specified that this was a wetland. This is a 5-acre residence with agricultural land.

Case #5: ED AND LINDA CHAPMAN- Own a 5-acre property that was purchased back in the 70’s. He is retired. He won the case in the 11th Judicial Court. Yet, DERM told him that wining the case in court meant nothing. He still had to spend his money on clearing the property or fines will begin accumulating at $250/day. Mr. Chapman incurred legal fees as well - even after a judge told DERM that they had not proven in court that he was a wetland and was not in accordance of how they determined this through a DRIVE-BY. Please see the video where DERM goes after Fish and Wildlife officer that testified in this hearing and almost made him lose his job. DERM wanted the officer fired for having told the truth. Mrs. Chapman at this time, had lost her job and Mr Chapman was forced to take on a job in West Palm Beach as a painter in order that they could pay the legal counsel and not lose their house as well as to pay for the equipment required to remove the soil, even though his CASE WON IN COURT!

Case #6: MICHELLE AND ELOY GARCIA – Own a 5-acre property that she had as a nursery farm. She received two operating loans from the USDA/FSA and is now in default (bankrupt). She did three closings on the property, never in any title search appeared that this was a wetland property. Not even to the United States Department of Agriculture’s closing. Again federal agency’s attorney doing closings. As of today, the Garcia family has lost two pieces of property in North Florida that they had put as collateral for the agricultural loans, has gone bankrupt, are in foreclosure and she claims that she has not committed suicide because of her faith in God.


Case #7: LAZARO MARQUEZ – Mr. Marquez owns a 5-acre agricultural property that is planted in container Plantains. Mr. Marquez is a retired man that lives off of $500 a month from his retirement. He plants plantains and has for the past years. When he purchased his property it was for this purpose, as the plantains are a means of extra money for survival and being able to pay his property taxes. He was told by DERM that this was a wetland and that he had to remove all his trees and leave to re-vegetate. Mr. Marquez was also forced to get legal help and has spent every cent he owns in trying to defend himself. His property has had
continuous agricultural exemption for years and years. He now faces court hearings, fees and contempt of court if he does not comply with DERM orders.

Case #8: RAUL JIDY: This gentleman bought his properties 20 years ago. Also retired, he leased a little nursery for extra income, when DERM also showed up and told him that his property is a wetland and must discontinue nursery operations or fines and court hearings will follow and he will lose his property.

Case #9: Ruben Moncayo – They own AR Basil Company which is a basil farm. Basil grows on row crops and it is an herb. However, even though he’s had his basil farm for years, DERM comes around and tells him that he is a wetland and that his row crops are not allowed – to destroy and leave the property to re-vegetate.

Case #10: RUDY BASALLO – Two properties in the area. They already lost another property because of DERM. He owns R Greenman Company, a nursery that received federal loans through the FARM Credit for operation and purchase. Nothing at time of purchase or loans reflected that they were wetlands. Now he is facing foreclosure and financial bankruptcy as he would have lost his entire livelihood. DERM wants him to destroy everything and leave to re-vegetate.

Case #11: BLANCA AND JESUS ORTIZ- Purchased their land, live in their property and DERM has told them to remove everything and leave to re-vegetate. Mr. Ortiz just lost his job, is facing financial bankruptcy, and  cannot do anything with the farm or they face daily penalties and fees.

Case #12: DAWN GARCIA AND ORESTES MORALES – purchased their property a year ago. DERM comes around and tells them that the foundation on their house is illegal and that they must destroy the house and remove the illegal foundation. Ms. Garcia found the permit for the foundation which unexplainably had been filed under another address with her folio number. She hires attorney to defend their case and shows them the permit. They still said that she had to destroy her barns for the horses (even though this is legal for it serves as housing for the animals), then they went on and on. To-date DERM has still not been able to give them the reason to get a cease and desist on their residential property.

Case #13: JULIO AND ANGELINA HERNANDEZ – They have owned their nursery for over 20 years. DERM comes and tells them that they need to remove all fill and plant beds from the outside of their property and that the nursery was an illegal operation. They even gave this poor retired couple an arrest and criminal court case for not having a tax receipt license with Miami Dade County. These people are destroyed emotionally and will be affected in a financial way if not allowed to conduct business.


by Slad
Obama Signs Executive Order To Legalize BLM’s Land</a>, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.</div></div>
Published on May 13, 2014
According to the release: The newly obtained 14 pages further detail plans within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to completely overhaul the way federal lands are managed in the U.S., including the creation of new ecosystem areas that require the acquisition of new federal lands. The plans would vastly expand the power, reach and control of federal land managers.
Furthermore, Bishop noted: “These 14 pages are further evidence of this Administration’s efforts, under the guidance of Secretary Salazar, to control western lands by unilaterally locking them up without input from local residents and stakeholders nor the approval of Congress. Their plotting behind closed doors is disingenuous at best and flies in the face of this Administration’s so-called ‘transparency'”
Hitting on the most subtle effects the Executive Order is set to have, Bishop included a few points from the 14 missing pages: Page 3, paragraph 6: The sentence, “In order to expand this network of treasured lands to include the diversity of landscapes currently managed by the BLM…,” shows that the Administration is working to broaden the jurisdictional scope of lands currently managed by the BLM. Page 5, paragraph 5: The sentence, “Should the legislative process not prove fruitful, or if a nationally significant natural or cultural land resource were to come under threat of imminent harm, the BLM would recommend that the Administration consider using the Antiquities Act…,” shows that the Administration is constructing a new management structure without the approval of Congress. Page 6 (b), page 7 (4.), page 8 (3.): Details planning for further land acquisition and funding mechanisms. Page 7, paragraph 1; Page 6, paragraph 7: By their own numbers, the Administration will target the “acute” problem of private landholdings in BLM administered areas to the sum of 412,675 acres, or more than 370,000 football fields. Page 9, paragraph 5: The sentence, “The BLM recommends that any major funding increases be phased in over a five-year period to allow the BLM time to build capacity in order to accomplish the increased work-load,” shows that the BLM will require an increase in funding to accommodate the proposed expanded management of lands throughout the West.
Bishop concluded his released noting: “I remain committed to forcing Secretary Salazar and all others involved in this matter into the light of full transparency, which as these documents prove, is not a place they seem to be comfortable. But this potential land and power grab needs to exposed, it needs to be laid out before the public, and it needs to be stopped.”

Common Core Curriculum:
Common Core is a new mandate from the U.S. government that will force all schools in all grades to abide by a fixed curriculum.  
                A previous  Governor agreed to CC before the standards were written? CC is NOT state led?
                schools must adhere to the program word for word, with the ability to ADD only a small amount of content — but that additional content will not be on the exam?
                if you do not like what is being taught, neither you nor any official in the state of Tennessee will have any power to change it or anyone to call?
                no one really knows how much CC will cost in the future?
                the estimated extremely high cost of CC will rest on the backs of the taxpayers? 
CC will require massive upgrades in computer equipment and upgrades to current bandwidth?
                even though the federal government said the program was voluntary, Tennessee has to adopt CC to be eligible for Race To The Top and President Obama has said he wants to tie federal Title 1 funding to adoption of CC?
                while CC was advertised as "internationally benchmarked" it is not?
                the federal government requires the state to maintain a database on every child from P-K to workforce and encouraged collection of over 400 data points to track everything about your child AND their family?
                the federal government by law is not allowed to maintain a national database? They are evading this law by requiring the state to collect the data and then forward it to the federal government to be used by other agencies and private foundations?
                CC math teaches an experimental geometry method created by a Soviet mathematician, in the 1950's,
and was abandoned in K-12 because it failed?
                a world-renowned math expert who worked on CC stated that CC fails to meet the stated goal of improved US K-12 mathematic achievement?
                Dr. Stotsky (member of CC validation team) considers CC ELA and reading standards as "simply empty skill sets?”
                at least in grades 6-12 English teachers would be required to spend at least 50% of their time on nonfiction and informational texts such as US political documents, court decisions and scientific and technical manuals?
                English teachers would need to be retrained in order to teach children how to read technical manuals instead of works of literature?
                Dr. Milgram of Stanford University, the only mathematician on the CC validation team, refused to sign
off on the math standards?
                a radical professor who has been a colleague of, and is a favorite of, anti-capitalist terrorist Bill Ayers is directing the creation of one set of CC tests?
                The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major hinder? What do they know about education? They sure know how to sell computers, though.
                Bill Gates' Microsoft and many other companies are bound to benefit handsomely from the implementation of CC?
                a child could answer a math question correctly but be marked wrong because he did not use the CC prescribed method for getting to the correct answer?
                SAT testing is being structured to conform to CC? This would mean the home schoolers, private school and charter schools will have to conform to CC as well?
                Children as young as kindergarten will eventually participate in the evaluation of a teacher's performance?
                the testing costs under CC may be triple what Tennessee is currently incurring?
                although CC claims to prepare all children for college, the college they talk about is a nonselective community college, not a 4-year university?
                our children may graduate reading at a 7th grade level and according to Dr. Milgram, by 8th grade, will
be two years behind other countries in math skills?
                children could be required to select a career path as early as middle school or even elementary school?
These are 5 short videos which will give you an idea what Common Core will attempt do to the teachers and  their students.   Please spend a few minutes and watch. 
Stop Common Core - Part 5
On about Apr 18 "16 I received an email about Common Core. The link below has many youtube videos which play one after the other.  The first is about how your kids can opt out of the testing. Something many, many are doing. Watch this one first.
The best one so far is The Case Against Common Core  by  Dr. Duke Pesta.  In this video at about 35 minutes Dr. Pesta tells why the Liberals don't like Common Core.  Very interesting. Don't miss it.

                                                THE HOUSE HAS THE POWER

 Condensed from an article by William J. Quirk in January 13 issue of Chronicles.
Control of the House of Representatives gives the Republicans the power of the purse, thanks to the Tea Party.  Why don’t the Republicans take what the people have given them and run with it.  Is it because they are hopeless?  The question is, is it time for the conservatives to leave a failed party. The Republican Party has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last popular 6 presidential elections. Not one of their candidates could reasonably be called conservative.  It could not even bring down a badly wounded President.  35% of the electorate describe themselves as conservative, but only 25%  identify themselves as liberal. They seem to always win!  The Democrats seem to be better at their business. Surely it’s time for the conservatives to hit the road.  The republicans  picked  a candidate that was defeated by the last Republican candidate that was also defeated.  DUH?
It’s amazing the conservatives on their own are able to control the House.   Read and understand the Constitution, you would rather control the house than the presidency or the Senate.  Only the house has the power to raise and spend money.  The money power, which Parliament seized from the king in the 17th century, controls all other powers.   Obamacare,  if the house wills it, could be history
The Constitution grants the president “executive power”.  He shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and can grant pardons.  With the advice and consent of the Senate he can make treaties, appoint ambassadors, judges and other officers.  His powers, however, are limited.  The Congress is granted the power to declare war, raise an Army, provide and maintain a Navy, provide for calling out the militia, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion.  And of course, Congress is given the power of the money–to borrow, tax, and spend.
Modern power, has created an Imperial presidency, with full foreign-policy powers including the power to carry on war.  Modern practice, is based on Congress’s wish to avoid controversial decisions.  If the war goes bad, it is the president’s responsibility–no one would blame the Congress.
 The Constitution grants Congress the essential republican powers of raising and spending money, war–making, and impeachment.  The president’s powers depends upon congress’s purse strings. His office budget depends on Congress.  Today’s House, instead of exercising its power is satisfied with stalemate:  It is unwilling to exercise the power to de-fund government operations.
 The Supreme Court’s power also depends on Congress.  The founding Fathers provided Congress with almost complete control over federal judicial power.  Article III of the Constitution vests the judicial in one Supreme Court and “such inferior courts as Congress may ordain and establish”.  In other words, the existence of lower courts (district and circuit) is discretionary with Congress.    The Constitution gives the Supreme Court a narrow  “original” jurisdiction: suits involving ambassadors and those which a State is a party. Congress has the unlimited authority to regulate the “appellate” jurisdiction of the Court–that is, the power to hear cases from lower federal and state courts.  The Court can only hear what Congress authorizes it to hear.  Article III in short, grants Congress the power to reduce the Court to insignificance, dealing with ambassador’s parking tickets and cases in which a state is a party.
 The Constitution gives these powers to Congress, but Congress  prefers not to exercise them.  The Framers believed that the nature of power is to expand, which is why they designated a system of countervailing powers.  Only power, they thought, could limit power.  They did not foresee that the modern Congress would benefit by giving power away.  Controversial issues, of necessity, create voter anger.  Congress gives the Court the power to decide  volatile hot–button issues.   Congress gives the president complete power over foreign affairs.  It allows him to proceed without a declaration of war.  When he leads the country into disaster–Vietnam, Iraq-- the blame is on him not the Congress.   Indeed Congress is so risk adverse that it allows the president the astounding power to kill anyone, anytime, anywhere.  Congress, under the current arrangement, cedes traditional legislative matters to the court and the president.
Congress giving away its essential powers seems counterintuitive.  History provides hardly any examples, (since King Lear’s mistake) of individuals or institutions voluntarily surrendering power.  The underlying logic is related to self-preservation; by avoiding controversy, Congress assures its own re-election.   Term limits anyone? 
Woodrow Wilson, in 1888, wrote Congressional  Government, which described a system,  based on the Constitution of congressional supremacy:  “The natural, the inevitable  tendency of every system of self-government like our own, and the British is to exalt, the representative body, the people’s parliament, to a position of absolute supremacy.”  Congress is, unquestionably, the predominant and controlling force, the center and source of all motive and of all regulative power.  What Wilson missed was that congress would one day use its power to avoid its constitutional responsibilities.  Congress has all the constitutional power it could wish for; the only question is whether it has the will to exercise that power,
The Tea Party serves as a model for the exercise of power.  In 2011, the Tea Party, with only 60 or so members of the House it helped elect, successfully disrupted the budget process to bring its agenda of shrinking the federal government to the forefront of political discussion.  Or as you may remember “QUIT THE SPENDING”.   Whatever your opinion of the Tea Party, it was an effective use of power, and it reminded everyone of the power of the purse.   Imagine if one of the current parties (or a third party), instead of spending nearly a billion dollars to promote a candidate nobody wants or believes in, was to focus its resources on getting and keeping control of congress.
It is time for Boehner and the good old boys to return to their constitutional duties.  It looks as if conservatives,  if they leave the STUPID  PARTY, they can control congress.  Maybe join forces with the Libertarians  and form the Conservative – Libertarian Party?
A NOTE ON WHERE WE STAND.  What is a TRILLION dollars?   $1+ 12 zeros.  If you could spend one dollar per second, how long would it take to spend a Trillion.  The answer is 31,688  years.   Our debt at  17 Trillion, will take 538,696 years to spend our debt down.    I think most will agree we can never pay off our debt.  We cannot spend our way out of a fiscal crisis.   No Nation on the planet has ever done it.  We can’t tax our way out.  Why does the stupid party think they can?  Our income is $2 T/yr, we borrow $1T /yr.  We borrow it at a rate of $131,709/sec.   ALL CONGRESSMEN MUST READ  THIS PARAGRAPH. 


Now that you know what is happening and why, what will you do with this information?

It starts out with sending this article to your  congressmen. Then call to see if they have received it, read it and what are their thoughts on it. You need to where your congressman will vote on these issues:

  1. Obamacare.. What will happen with a republican president in 2017?
  2. The upcoming  Debt Ceiling limit on Oct. 17th ,will they raise it?  YES they did.
  3. Will hey  combine the budget with the debt ceiling battle?   NO.
  4. Should Larry Klayman’s Citizens Grand Juries be convened and funded by congress or should all congressmen donate to his hearing?  Or start a campaign to help fund it?  Congress has done nothing.
  5. Would the house help Pacific Legal Foundation in their suit against Obamacare, because it did not originating in the House,  therefore, the Supreme Court did not uphold the constitution?   NOTHING DONE
  6.  Get Gov. Scott to outlaw AGENDA 21 in Florida.   DID  NOT HAPPEN
  7. Long term, get congress to outlaw AGENDA 21 in the United States.
  8. Now that  Scott has by E.O. # 13-276  ordered Common ‘’Core to not be emplenented,  what will happen with the other states. People in the 44 states that have adopted it, need to get to work. This is going to hurt the kids in across the U.S.A.  NOT MUCH HAS HAPPENED.
  9. The House has the power to control spending. Make you Representative aware on  where you stand on the Debt Ceiling, the budget, and funding Obamacare.  NOTHING
  10. Urge Congress to convene a special panel with powers to subpoena people to testify on all the phony scandals.  NOT DONE YET, BUT MAYBE ON HILLARY’S E MAILS.
  11. Get the U.S. out of the U.N., and get the U.N. out of the U.S.  The Falkland  Islands would be a good place  for them to move.    JUST LOOK HOW THE U.N. VOTED ON THE IRAN  ACCORD??????

This is not the complete list but it is a start.  Don’t drop the ball.   LETS ROLL!

 Epilogue 2

Those  that watch FOX NEWS  or other  real news programs see every day that O has no strategy  for  anything.  Whether it be a domestic policy or a foreign policy,   he doesn’t do anything.  He says all the right things that  his administration will do,  BUT HE DOES THE OPPOSITE.  The question is WHY?    We should  consider a possibility none of the media almost anywhere has mentioned.  THIS IS HIS PLAN!!!!!!!  A 10 YEAR OLD KID COULD DO BETTER WITH A DART BOARD TO SELECT POLICIES TO BE ADOPTED.


1.    To solve the financial crisis the U.S. has had since he took office.
2.     He left no troops in Iraq to stabilize the country and protect it from what ISAS has done in the last year.  
3.   FAST AND FURIOUS.   He  sealed all the papers on it’s history with executive privilege.
4.   BENGHOZI.  He promised to bring those responsible to justice.  Has  he?   And  Hilary Clinton says “WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE”?  
6.   THE IRS SCANDLE.  What did Lois Lerner do with her emails, or her Blackberry?   Should we switch to a FAIR TAX and do away with the IRS?   POLITATIONS ARE SAYING YES TO THIS  POSSIBILITY!  SEE
7.   The 60,000 children ( who knows what others) coming across our southern boarder.  STILL, AFRTER 30 YEARS, NO WALL!
8.   The Southern Boarder Patrol is now 45 miles back from the  border.   How can they do their job?       AND THEY INVITED TRUMP TO  VISIT.  WHEN TRUMP WAS IN THE AIR ON THE WAY TO MEET  THEM, THEY CALLED AND SAID WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MEET WITH YOU.
9.   He had no plan for ISIS.  Now he has one, which he laid out on prime time TV.  Only  4 of the 40 countries have signed on so far.   Many retired generals have been on Fox News with questions and predictions that his plan will not work.   NOW WE HEAR HE KNEW ABOUT ISIS FOR 18 MONTHS AND DID NOTHING.
10.       How many Generals has he dismissed or reassigned?  Over 550 Majors in battle zones have received pink slips.
11.       And how about our VETERANS not being able to see a doctor  for months or NOT  AT ALL before they passed away.  The result of a Single Payer Health Plan.

             This administration has created a  perfect storm.  The IRS is on the verge of being proven corrupt.    Judicial Watch as uncovered through the freedom of information act the missing e-mails on Benghazi.  Three members who fought on the ground in Benghazi have written a book 13 hours in Benghazi and have indicated they were told to stand down, but we still don't know who at the top of the administration gave that order.  But it will come out.   We had 4 cases of Ebola in the United States.  The 2nd nurse, Amber Vinson, Flew from Cleveland to Dallas when she had Ebola.  The airplane flew on to many more cities, and it has possibly exposed more people to Ebola.   CDC is now tracking down 132  of Vinson's fellow passengers  Could this get worse, you decide.  Consider what these 4 cases have cost our country so far to treat and contain.  If it gets worse how much could we spend?  WE GOT LUCKY ON EBOLA.  The Islamic State (ISIS) is now on the verge of taking over 2 cities, Kobani on the Turkish border, and Baghdad in Iraq,.   We also  have Vladimir Putin in Ukarine AND NOW IN SYRIA.  We  are heading for a Islamic caliphate in the Mid East.    Can it spread worldwide, IT IS ALREADYBIN ABOUT 12 COUNTRIES.   If you sit back and look at the big picture could this administration's policies could not be any worse for the American people and our country.  One must ask the question, WHY?    Only Fox News seems to be nibbling around the edges of these questions. What no one seems to want to consider:  This administration's plan was from the beginning.  “Do  as many things as possible to hurt this country.  If you wanted to destroy a country could you devise a better strategy, than those in THE PERFECT STORM?  

And now the 2016 Elections--- Hillary, A PROGRESSIVE  and Bernie A DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST.  IF EITHER GET ELECTED ----- GOODBYE U.S.A.

The Obama Error - Second Edition


This review is from: The Obama Error - Second Edition as Amended (Paperback)
The Obama presidency is a disgrace and insult to all decent Americans. Obama repeatedly "thumbs his nose" and mocks law-abiding, patriotic U.S. citizens. Obama has made a mockery of the Presidency, the Constitution, the Law, and the entire Country.   Although Obama's approval ratings are now below Richard Nixon and Jiminy Carter, amazingly, there are still a small number of ideologue, anti-intellectuals Obama supporters who choose to ignore reality.

Sadly, owing to his criminal activities and racketeering, Obama is no longer worthy of respect, any more than a degenerate gangster is. See “The People vs. Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration." Amazingly, Obama warned the American People of his dangerous plans in his book, "Dreams From My Father." Obama stated that he took many of his social and economics ideas from his father. Obama, Sr., who was an economist. He showed great promise in his studies, and the government of Kenya hired him as a high-level economist. Sadly, like his son, Obama, Sr. could not perform in the real world. When his socialist-communist plans all failed, Obama, Sr., was fired and became an alcoholic and womanizer. After whore-mongering around the world, he first lost his legs in a DUI accident, then his life. Obama has brought his father's failed African policies to the U.S.