Tuesday, February 23, 2016


    Many people I know hope Donald will win the primary.   If he does and Hillary is the democratic choice,  here is some well documented ammunition for his campaign.

We should start sending this once a month until election day in NOV of 2016 .


AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL I WOULD LIKE TO ADD A FEW COMMENTS, but I will make them here as well.  This is so important I don’t want people to forget what the ultimate goal here is as stated in # 4 below.

             1)   In the 8 years of the Clintons in the White House I don't think they ever told the truth.  Now in the White House we have the Clintons on steroids. 

            2)    Hasn't the country suffered enough through this administration.  Do we want a continuation of the same policies for the next 4 years?

            3)   And finally, with a track record like  Hillary has, do WE THE PEOPLE even want her to run?

            4)   Now that she is running we should pass  this on to everybody in our address books and everybody should send this e-mail again at least once a month through Nov 2016.  Those that have Twitter and other media outlets, it will be easy to send, as it is just 4 links  that can even be set up on Twitter.  This will get it across the country once a month in only a few days.

 Before we get to the NEW DEVELOPMENT there are a couple more short articles I would urge everybody to read in the order presented.

My friend’s article "Summation on Hillary":  View this one first.


The Memory Hole!!!

A lot of people tend to forget the scandals surrounding the Clintons in the 1990s.  This link is a short article to remind you just how bad or good the Clinton years were depending on your political persuasion:

              1.  If you’re a conservative----- this will remind you that you should vote in 2016 and most important  in the general election.  Don’t sit this one out like many did in the 2012 election, and we got Obama again.

            2.    If you’re a liberal---- after reading these links ask yourself, do I really want the Clintons back in the White House?

  This link will jog your memory:   http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/mrs-clinton/ http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/mrs-clinton/

The Clinton Scam!!!

 Many wonder how the Clintons get millions of dollars donated to their foundation.  This short article will tell you how they were able to receive tax-free donations into their foundation.  It also mentions what part Chelsea Clinton plays in this whole scheme.

  This link will inform you about their foundation and things everybody should know.



The Clintons' Greatest Shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton!

This is only the tip of the iceberg.  This article is THE MOST COPLETE SUMMARY ON THE CILINTONS I HAVE EVER SEEN.

 If you want to SAVE OUR COUNTRY then you should spend the time reading this link.    If you don’t know history, at least fairly recent history, how can you make an intelligent decision?   The election in 2016 will be the most important our country will face since its founding.   You must do your best to make every conservative you know vote in 2016.

 You will learn things like:

1)    The lives and relationship of ALL the players during the Clinton administration, and even before that.

2)    Rhodes Scholar Bill likely raped a 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone at Oxford in 1969, and the fact he never graduated from Oxford.

3)    Biographer Roger Morris, on page 238 of his book Partners in Power, tells of another savage sexual assault by Bill that involved his lip biting modus operandi for sexual assaults.

4)      Bill and Hillary are in fact psychopaths: people who use and abuse others with absolutely no conscience.

5)    Hillary was Having Sex with both Webb Hubbell & Vince Foster, her partners at Rose Law Firm.

6)    Marinka Peschmann has written a historically significant book on the Death of Vince Foster: Suicide in his White House office with Hillary immediately demanding Foster’s body be removed from the premises.

These are just a few things you  will learn about the Clintons.  There are things about the Bushes you will want to know to help with your decision for 2016.  This link is a summary  of many books written about the Clintons.   This makes it much easier to do some research without having to read all the referenced books.

 This link takes you to the NEW DEVELOPMENT.


I’m sure you will find it interesting and increase your knowledge of our corrupt government, both parties.  Spend some time reading some of the links in the article.

We knew a lot of this back in the 1990’s.  A lawyer friend that had access to LexisNexis did a lot of research and presented to a group we belonged to.

The bottom line, lets elect the best non-establishment candidate we can find TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY.    It should not be a Clinton or a Bush.

HERE AT THE END OF THIS EMAIL I WOULD LIKE TO REPEAT MY COMMENTS,   This is so important I don’t want people to forget what the ultimate goal here is.

             1)   In the 8 years of the Clintons in the White House I don't think they ever told the truth.  Now in the White House we have the Clintons on steroids. 

            2)    Hasn't the country suffered enough through this administration.  Do we want a continuation of the same policies for the next 4 years?

            3)   And finally, with a track record like  Hillary has, do WE THE PEOPLE even want her to run?

            4)   Now that she is running we should pass  this on to everybody in our address books and everybody should send this e-mail again at least once a month.  Those that have Twitter and other media outlets, it will be easy to send, as it is just 4 links.  This will get it across the country once a month in only a few days. The best way is just to forward this e-mail. 

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