For one reason only, we have been Trump supporters since late last year. We believe the country is bankrupt/insolvent and is long into the clutches of an impossible debt/annual deficit (budget and trade account) funding vice, which at this massive size level of government may be insolvable without experiencing a massive financial meltdown. In our estimation, the only way the country can continue to exist is for the U.S. Economy to be unleashed from the dictates of the global economy, now controlled by the International Monetary Fund (which are killing our country); eliminating the massive, unjustified regulations on business, which are killing our small business sector (responsible for most of the country’s new job growth); cutting the massive waste out of every department of the federal government (and eliminating from existence certain of those departments); and the replacement of all of the Federal Reserve Board members and replacing them all with Sound Money advocates and legislatively eliminating the Fed’s responsibility for policies tied to assuring appropriated job growth in this country.
To survive, we believe this country must reform its economy to a system China is now trying to create, which is an economy which produces much of what it consumes. Yes, goods would become more expensive, but tens of millions of new jobs will be created in many new companies, which will be formed to produce the preponderance of most American consumer goods. The U.S. is the largest economy in the world, but crony capitalism (global companies who are wedded to the global economy at the expense of the U.S. economy and its people) has grown to a point where it is destroying the financial/ economic underpinnings of this nation. An acceptable increase in COL (offset by tens of millions more of well paying domestic jobs) is worth the price of saving this country from financial demise caused substantially by the manipulative actions taken by many of our foreign competitor governments to artificially cheapen their currencies at the expense of growth in our country’s economic activity. Most of our imports would, therefore, be concentrated in nature resources related imports, not goo gahs exported by China and high end vehicles manufactured in Germany and Japan.
There is not one politician we know of who can even come close to properly addressing/solving the massive financial/economic problems strangling the country and its citizens. The “Savior” candidate must come from outside of the Beltway and must have demonstrative economic and financial credentials that have been proven over many years under fire from the free, competitive marketplace. The Savior candidate must have the strong backing of the American people, whom the Savior can call on for activation pressure against a establishment controlled Congress, if and when pressure must be exerted against the establishment. Hence, we back Trump, who we believe requires no Special Interests to get direction/permission from to initiate required action/strategy to resurrect our very struggling economy.
We decided early in the game that 2016 is the most important election in the past 100+ years for our country is on the brink of financial suicide/collapse. That meant we had to put our rock rib conservative principles into hibernation for this election for we realize the prize of the country’s economic salvation is at stake and hence principled conservative social issues (to remain relevant hereafter) must this once take a back seat for social issues mean nothing in a bankrupt country. A Hillary win will immediately result in more financial and social turmoil (at least 4 new Supreme Court vacancies will probably have to be filled in the next 4-8 years) to where the country will have no chance to survive. We believe such situation would lead to the formation of a One World Government, which the global elites are trying to form. A substantially weakened U.S. is their objective.
That is why we dare to ridicule any conservative/Republican who this year refuses to accept Trump as the Republican Presidential nominee and, as a consequence, the no-Trump people will either vote for a third party candidate or for Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders. Trump will do his job by bringing into the fold millions of Reagan Democrats, who desperately want a strong economy which will produce good paying jobs. Conservatives/other Republicans must hold the line and not stray from a solidly united front for the probable prize of realizing a fiscal/economic renaissance in this country is to important to lose. If Trump loses, then rest assured this country will soon hit its well deserved demise. If Trump wins, then the country will have a good chance to put off such demise for several decades, maybe for ever, at least until the Progressives/Liberals return to power.
Bill and Margo Bigelow
P.S. There seems to be a push for Trump to take Newt Gingrich, as VP. Given Newt’s baggage that would be a big mistake. However, I think Newt would be by far the best choice for Trump’s Chief of Staff, where the left has no ability to torpedo a ticket via the combination of Trump/Gingrich baggage.
From: Dave Kesselring
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 9:15 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: Christians And Conservatives To Support A Third Party? May 12, 2016
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:33 AM
Subject: Christians And Conservatives To Support A Third Party? May 12, 2016
Lots of good info to the end

Christians And Conservatives To Support A Third Party?
By Chuck Baldwin
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