Saturday, May 28, 2016


Americans have only two viable choices in the 2016 Presidential Election—Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Which of these two people do you feel most comfortable with in the Oval Office?, a proven businessman whose campaign is “Making America Great Again” and getting the economy juiced up again with millions of new, well paying jobs created and many new product producing corporate formations; or a woman who is a proven Grifter with a Saul Alinsky mindset espousing rapid creation of new/expansion of existing government entitlement programs---ala a new multi billion dollar program she states as needed to retrain thousands of coal miners, whose jobs pay annually low six figures---necessary because she wants to put the coal industry (lowest price source  of electrical energy) out of business due to her unquestioning support for the false THEORY of Man Made Global Warming/Climate Change. 
This country is insolvent and exists only because the federal government still can borrow 40 cents of every dollar it spends. The debt is now over $19T and is now rising faster than any time in the 7 1/2 years Obama has been in office. Major change action will be required by the next President to save the country from financial oblivion and this cannot be done unless the U.S. Economy is unleashed to free itself from the existence of high taxation and massive, new and expensive regulatory bondage. Which of the two candidates can undertake this big challenge most effectively and quickly? A businessman, who has fought and won against recalcitrant politicians his whole career and whose projects always have been completed under budget and before scheduled completion dates (If you have not read the Art of the Deal, you owe it to yourself to quickly do so); or a con artist who is in the hip pocket of Wall Street institutions and foreign governments, which all have contributed greatly to her personally and to the Clinton Foundation for “access” and actions friendly to such donors?
For the past 5 years I have been warning against the future financial meltdown trend this country is now rapidly following, due to (1) out of control spending and massive, continuous deficits under federal government budgets [we have not witnessed Congress passing and the President signing a true budget in over 7 years]; (2) continuous, over 30 years, of multi-hundreds of billions of dollar deficits in our Trade Account; (3) Burgeoning Treasury debt increases, $9T alone put on the books by the Obama Administration in the 7 1/2 years; (4) over $200T of actuarially calculated liabilities of the federal government required to pay for political promises under a multitude of federal entitlement programs; (3) a corrupt Wall Street Banking industry which knows it can take major, undo risk for profit because they know the politicians, who take donations from such banks, will once again use tax payer money to bail them out of their risk taking ways [e.g. very high risk derivative and asset swap transactions] for they are “to big to fail; (4) a federal reserve, owned by such mega banks, which over the past 40 years have: (a ) initiated policies which have done nothing but destroy the value of the U.S. dollar and complicit with massive increases of business regulations, have destroyed the vitality of the small business sector; (b ) the setting of short term interest at alarming low rates which have lead to massive borrowings by corporations to issue special dividends, repurchase outstanding common stock, purchase companies which usually have no strategic value to the parent companies, and pay massive salaries to the upper echelon executives which has created a historic gulf between the compensation levels of the elites and the rest of Americans; huge borrowings by investors to purchase stocks on the margin; and huge auto and mortgage borrowings by consumers, many of whom have bad credit ratings or no ratings at all—with default rates now exhilarating; (4) movement towards a dangerous global economic system where one hiccup caused by a major problem experienced in one major economy can cause economic and financial pneumonia globally and where currency wars position the global economy for chaos; (5) politicians ignoring the country’s immigration laws and via their inaction condoning the massive illegal entry of tens of millions of very poor immigrants [and terrorists] who immediately get financial assistance from an already abused U.S. taxpayer; (5) career politicians, who are not loyal to their oaths to the country, but leap to serve special interest donors who line their pockets with campaign cash; and (6 ) two political parties run by leaders who want the voters to believe they are totally different due to their political platforms, which they rarely follow; but if you look at their actions on the floors of Congress, the laws passed (but hardly ever read by the politicians) show each party is voting primarily for D.C. “Establishment” desires, not compliant with American citizen desires and policies which will fix the many problems facing the country.
There is no where near the NET Market Value (after paying off existing borrowing liens) proceeds of every existing asset in this country needed to pay off the sum of existing Treasury Debt, State and local government debt, pension debt and debt of businesses and consumers.  Then add to that impossible burden the $200T of actuarially calculated entitlement liabilities  (calculated after all tax payments related to such entitlements are deducted) and you can readily see this country is hopelessly insolvent.
If you think I am being to reactionary in the comments made in the last paragraph, Dylan Ratigan of CNBC in 2013 ranted his concerns for the future of the country at an MSNBC debate show via a YouTube video you can access at the following link: 

Mr. Ratigan clearly sees what is happening to this country to where he advocates for election of a capable President, who will not be controlled by any Special Interest money groups, and whom, when necessary, could readily access the massive support of the American people, thereby enabling him to take a hatchet to the massive problems Ratigan (and I) outlines in his rant. 
I believe that man is Donald Trump, who is being fought tooth and nail by the Conservative Neo-Cons; the Progressives; the Liberals; Establishment Politicians; Wall Street institutions; big business donors who have everything going for them under the current corrupt D.C. system; foreign governments, which are scared of losing undeserved U.S. financial aid; Environmental NGO’s, which know Trump is an energy (fossil and alternative) independence advocate and a person who knows the Man Made Global Warming/Climate Change theory is bogus; Businesses, specializing in Alternative Energy, which are bankrolled by the taxpayer even though their energy products are no where near market competitive; self proclaimed Conservative purists, who are so bound up in their ideological straight jackets they will never consider one iota of thinking out of their very tight mental box, and therefore who would rather see Hillary be President, than Trump; the Hollywood elite; Global Free Market Advocates (ala the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) no matter if their free trade advocacy is tarnished substantially by prohibitive business entry barriers constructed against American business exports (read China/EU/Japan/India) and which readily utilize currency manipulations to place their exports at an advantage over the U.S. and in the process having our international companies transfer tens of millions of American jobs to “cheap labor” countries. Total Free Trade is their mantra NO Matter What, and last but not least the Trial Lawyer Group, which needs law passing proliferation by politicians to enable them to sue until the cows come home, lining their pockets in the process. 
Many of the Anti-Trump group listed in the last paragraph fight against (with money in hand) any new policies that would be aimed at killing off the politically constructed, tax payer funded troughs from which they feed daily. That is why they are Anti-Trump for he is perceived as being dangerous for continuation of their schemes and close political relationships which line many pockets at the expense of the American Taxpayer. 

Bill Bigelow

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