Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Mr. Biglow is one of the best politically astute people I know.   This one is very, very  interesting.

I made the statement on May 7, 2016, that the U.S. has reached the status of a Banana Republic. I have attached an article published today, the contents of which confirms my opinion. Please note in the article, I have imbedded several comments, (WGB) which debate the nonsense pouring forth from one self-proclaimed Republican Conservative, who was interviewed and is the informational center of the article. It is obvious such Republican Conservatives wrap their arms around the American voters only when it is necessary to do so to achieve their devious objectives, pay for their mistakes or to con them into extending political careers ad nauseum. 
I told you this was going to be the most interesting election of our lifetimes and this initial skirmish in the war between Republicans attests to that fact.
Bill Bigelow (WGB)


Exclusive: NeverTrump’s New Goal – Keep the GOP Conservative, or No President Trump

WASHINGTON—Some major conservative leaders have secured over $200 million to present Donald Trump with the choice of running on a conservative agenda or losing November’s election.

Many thought the NeverTrump movement would dissolve following Trump’s win in Indiana, after which his only remaining rivals, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, dropped out of the presidential race. Instead, while many anti-Trump leaders have resigned themselves to the billionaire’s nomination, others are pursuing an aggressive campaign which some of them think could deny both Trump and Hillary Clinton the White House.
Ken Blackwell—a senior adviser to the Our Principles PAC who served thirty years in various elected and presidentially appointed offices at both the federal and state level, as well as chaired a national presidential campaign—has had discussions with the persons organizing and funding this effort. While Blackwell has said he has not bought into this effort, he has not endorsed Trump, either.
I agree with these folks that Trump is no conservative, and he’s more interested in redefining the Republican Party than in unifying it,” Blackwell explained. “I believe he is self-centered enough, and wants a win this election enough, that these folks can get his attention and perhaps find common ground. If not, he’ll have a problem this November.”
“The goal is to get the Republican Party unified as a party offering constitutionally limited government and free markets to America.” The problem, according to Blackwell, is, “Trump is not running as a conservative. And he cannot win without the conservative base.” (WGB Comment: The real problem is the current Republicans in Congress never follow the principles outlined in the Republican Platform. They do what the Crony Capitalist Donors want them to do.)
While some NeverTrump people are 100-percent opposed to Trump and vow not to change their position, others think Trump may be willing to make a deal with the conservative GOP base regarding the Supreme Court, party platform, and other top priorities. (WGB Comment: Trump is smart enough that if he compromises the key tenets he is running on---illegal immigration/border security/the Wall, end bad free trade policy and never execute the Pacific Trade Agreement, and fight countries that manipulate their currencies for economic gain at the expense of the U.S.---then he will lose the majority of millions of voters who voted for him in the primary process.
The “Twelfth Amendment” Option: (WGB Comment: Folks, following is the so called, self proclaimed Conservatives' coup de gras, which is nothing but a Banana Republic tactic.)
The U.S. president is elected by the 538 members of the Electoral College, not a popular vote of the American people. Under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, if no candidate for president earns a majority of the Electoral College (270 votes), then the U.S. House of Representatives elects the president. When doing so, each state gets only one vote, so the House members of each state internally vote to decide which way that state will vote, and whoever gets most of the 50 votes becomes the president.
That was how Thomas Jefferson became president in 1800. No candidate gained a majority, and the U.S. House eventually elected Jefferson on the thirty-sixth ballot, after weeks of debate. (WGB Comment: But this election was not contrived like the so called Anti-Trump Conservatives are willing to do to get their way. See three paragraphs below for details of their scheme.)
The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution added one more condition: If the election goes to the House, the House may only consider the top three candidates from the Electoral College that resulted from the normal election process. The House cannot bring in any “white knight” who was not already running on Election Day.
Because a majority of state congressional delegations are Republican, a presidential election going to the current Congress essentially guarantees a Republican president.
With these constitutional provisions in mind and the reality that Republicans will control the House at least until January 3, 2017, NeverTrump activists are considering selecting five key states, then running a candidate in each of those states—and those states only—who could win that state with a plurality of the statewide vote, beating both Trump and Hillary. So long as neither Trump nor Hillary wins a landslide of the remaining states, these single-state candidates could result in no candidate receiving 270 Electoral College votes, sending the entire matter to the House. Then the House could elect the non-Trump Republican as the forty-fifth president of the United States.
While the list is still being finalized, sources tell Breitbart News that the states being looked at include Ohio, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Texas. The organizers are looking primarily to “favorite sons” in those states who they expect could carry the state against both the Republican and Democratic nominees.
While this may at first glance sound farfetched, $200 million (possibly as high as $250 million), is a staggering sum that could fully fund such an effort.
Prevent Trump from Reinventing the Republican Party
According to these sources, such a strategy would prevent Trump from redefining the Republican Party in a way that destroys the conservative movement (WGB Comment: There is no viable Conservative Movement left given the definition of Conservatism has been so skewed it it no longer viable. See my further comments shown below), which is what many NeverTrump advocates fear.
The Republican Party was founded as an anti-slavery party. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860, he ran primarily on preserving the Union. Then halfway through his term, with his Emancipation Proclamation he freed slaves in the South as a wartime measure (presidents lacked the power to end slavery generally), then after his 1864 reelection spearheaded the abolition of slavery through passing the Constitution’s Thirteenth Amendment.
But the Republican Party has reinvented itself three times since 1865. (The Democratic Party has also reinvented itself several times.)
In 1896, the Socialist Labor Party was gaining significant political strength, mainly sapping votes from the Democrats. So the Democratic Party nominated populist William Jennings Bryan, who moved the party to the left. Gov. William McKinley of Ohio sensed an opening, and the Republican nominee positioned the GOP as a mainstream pro-business party. The result was an electoral massacre of the Democrats, as Republicans solidified control of the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and many state governments.
But in 1932, President Franklin Roosevelt made the Democratic Party the party of the New Deal. Republicans fought the New Deal for five presidential elections, until in 1952 the GOP nominated Dwight Eisenhower, an unapologetic moderate. He remade the Republican Party into one that embraced the New Deal, and this bipartisan support guaranteed that FDR’s signature programs would become a permanent feature of American life.
Eisenhower was also comfortable with judges who were not conservative, appointing the most liberal chief justice in American history, Earl Warren, as well as one of the three most liberal associate justices in the nation’s history, William Brennan. He later reportedly said that his worst two mistakes as president were both sitting on the Supreme Court, but the fact remains that while perhaps Ike did not want to go as far to the left as he did with his judicial appointments, he clearly was not intending to nominate justices on the right.
Finally, in 1980, Ronald Reagan made the GOP what it is today (at least officially)—a conservative party. He assembled a three-part coalition of economic conservatives, national-security conservatives, and social conservatives. This alliance of supporters of free markets, strong national defense, and religious liberty and traditional family values formed an electoral coalition that gave Reagan two presidential wins—the second (1984) being one of the most overwhelming landslides in history—and began an era where Republicans controlled the White House more often than not, and starting in 1994 controlled Congress most of the time as well.
The concern of most of the leaders of today’s struggle with Trump—many of whom are veterans of the Reagan erais that Trump would reinvent the party a fourth time. Their concern is that he would jettison conservatism in favor of a populism that also embraces an imperial presidency, (WGB Comment: Just like we have had with the Bushes and possibly now with the Clintons?) permanently changing America’s form of government. (WGB Comment: If you are honest, you will quickly comprehend that the U.S. has now become the biggest socialistic nation on the earth and that is the reason why the county is technically bankrupt.) and effectively exiling conservatism as a governing philosophy (WGB Comment: D.C. styled Conservatism exists only behind closed doors at dinner parties held by the Conservative Elite Group. It no longer exists in Congress whatsoever.)
Getting Trump to Make a Deal
Blackwell began by saying that those pursuing this strategy are doing so because they want to restore conservative government. He began:
An economic conservative does not think the government can seize private property for the purpose of building a business that will generate more tax revenue, or that it’s the role of government to pay for a healthcare program guaranteeing that everyone has coverage. A social conservative does not think that the pro-life plank of the Republican Party Platform should be rewritten, or that a state cannot pass a law saying that a man can call himself a woman then go into the same public bathroom where a little girl is using the toilet. And a national-security conservative does not believe that other nations should be able to get nuclear weapons, or that our military should target the wives and children of terrorists.
(WGB Comment: This description of Conservatism is totally unacceptable. Note that not one mention of the Constitution is included, not one mention of illegal immigration/secure borders are addressed, not one mention of the FRS destroying the economy through destructive money expansion policies or the value of the dollar which has fallen by 96% since the Fed was formed, not one mention of stopping the departments of federal government via executive order in their regulatory enactment destruction of Americans' property rights or inherent citizen constitutional freedoms, not one mention of stopping the government from mandating taxpayers bail out badly managed, failing companies owned by the powerful elites or quasi governmental sponsored institutions (FNMA, etc.) which before the Great Recession parleyed bad lending policy into gigantic financial losses, and absolutely no mention of the two political parties who constantly ignore the demands of their voter bases. A real, comprehensive definition of Conservatism, to be valid, would have to include these omissions.
Trump’s reversal this week on the federal minimum wage—dropping his primary-season opposition to a hike, and now instead supporting a hike—seemed to provide ammunition to both sides. One conservative leader who spoke to Breitbart News on the condition of anonymity because he’s part of a group that have not finalized their own anti-Trump plan and have not gone public with any details, said that this flip-flop shows that the “real” Trump is emerging, (WGB Comment: No, as I stated previously, this was a Trump feint on media to obtain non-Republican votes.) one who completely rejects conservative government and would employ heavy-handed tactics to advance his own agenda.
Blackwell reacted to this anonymous leader’s argument by saying that this flip-flop would instead be taken by the “Twelfth Amendment” crowd as evidence that Trump is willing to make deals on anything, so they would push for a conservative deal. “These guys think that because Trump is not articulating a governing philosophy based on any set of deeply held principles (WGB Comment: Principles held by the Crony Capitalist Elited Group, not the American people!), that he will be willing to cut a deal by adhering to certain conservative priorities in order to keep a third-party candidacy from gaining traction.”
Ultimate Goal: Keeping the Republican Party Conservative (WGB Comment: and under total control of the large business campaign donors)
Blackwell said that Trump and the GOP face the dilemma of the Bread-and-Butterfly, from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass. This was a creature made up of buttered bread and whose head is a lump of sugar, but whose only food is hot tea. So it dissolves its own body whenever it eats. (WGB Comment: I think Blackwell is describing his own, unique physical condition.)
In this context, Republicans are faced with the dilemma of winning the White House with a nominee whose agenda is different from that of the party base, (WGB Comment: This is one arrogant, blatant lie for Trump and the grassroots Republicans have now taken over control of the Republican Party and the party establishment elites have been routed.) or losing the White House to Hillary Clinton with her far-left agenda. (WGB Comment: The very arrogant, routed establishment Republicans if they don't get their way could care less if Hillary becomes President and takes the country into oblivion for each of them has protected themselves financially to ride out such oblivion. These are nothing but “my way or the highway people who are sobbing they have been beaten by the American people, who are sick of being the elites' financial patsies and being totally ignored by the elected political class.”)
The “Twelfth Amendment” gang think they have a solution: If Trump faces the prospect of someone running to his right who could peel off several states, he could position himself in the marketplace of ideas as a candidate running on an agenda that is conservative enough to keep a critical mass of those voters on board.
“Trump needs to be mindful of the fact that the House majority—like the Senate’s and our numbers in statehouses—were not created by an ‘establishment.’ These are historic majorities  chosen by the American people—not just one party, but the entire American people—over three election cycles,” Blackwell said. (WGB Comment: But these majorities are very temporary if those elected choose to ignore the demands of the people who voted them into office.)“By contrast, Trump has received only 42 percent of Republican votes (WGB Comment: Just remember, Trump constantly had major opposition in numbers up to 16, which would account for such low percentage.), so only a minority of a minority. He needs to be humble enough to realize that the American people have bestowed a constitutional mandate on the House to act if Trump doesn’t reach a majority in the Electoral College, and that to date he has not received such a mandate. He needs to grow his support if he wants the presidency.” (WGB Comment: And growing his support is what Trump has been doing for the past months, in record proportions. Blackwell is a man who deigns to preach to the winner of over 50 primary state and territorial votes and who is incapable of providing a resume' to the readers of this article showing anywhere near Mr. Trump's accomplishments.)
Radio talk show host Mark Levin made a related point this. According to Levin, GOP primary turnout was immensely higher this year from previous cycles, but some of those voters turned out to vote against Trump, not for him. Some? How many Mark?
Nor are Trump’s only problems with conservatives, Blackwell noted. He has not received the endorsement of national establishment leaders like former President George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, nor Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. (WGB Comment: The One World Government loving Bushes? Ryan, the guy who is bought and sold by big donors at every turn?) Others, like 2012 nominee Mitt Romney, former Gov. Jeb Bush, and Sen. Lindsay Graham, have said they won’t even vote for Trump. (WGB Comment: and Donald Trump will not shed one tear if any of these LOSERS end up not endorsing him.)
“Most strategists would say it’s impossible to win the White House without getting either the moderate establishment or the entire base to rally around you, if not both,” he said. (WGB Comment: That may be true for the average politician Blackwell rubs shoulder with, but it will not be true for Donald Trump who always works 100% out of the box.) “There are some people who seem irreversibly committed to not voting for Trump, so he needs to garner every available vote he can if he would have any chance of winning.” (WGB Comment: I am getting to see where Blackwell believes he is a New Age Prophet of God. The all seeing, all knowing Blackwell speaks as if he is the only fountain of fact.)
Will Trump Make a Deal with Conservatives?
Blackwell pointed to one indication that Trump might consider such an approach. The single most potent issue where Trump has signaled some willingness to accommodate conservatives is the Supreme Court. (WGB Comment: If all that is what it takes for reconciliation with these so called Conservative Class people, then I am all for such conciliation on Trump's part. However, there is no way such reconciliation can happen with only this one point agreed on.) In recent days the presumptive Republican nominee has said he would post the names of up to 15 individuals he would consider for the current Supreme Court vacancy, pledging only to pick a name from that list.
For some Republican voters, the Supreme Court is enough of an issue by itself to vote for or against a particular presidential candidate.
Other personnel picks would be choosing a conservative running mate, cabinet, and White House staff. (WGB Comment: I personally think Newt Gingrich, given his major personal baggage, would be a bad VP choice, but he should be Number 1 on the list for Chief of Staff.) Conservative picks in those positions would likewise do much to allay the concerns of some conservatives.
It is unclear whether Trump would agree to adopt specific policies and appoint specific individuals to win over conservative support. (WGB Comment: any cave on Trump's major policy initiatives, will cost Trump the election for it would be a major repudiation of the primary reasons why the greatly expanded Republican Voter Base voted for him over the 16 other Republican Presidential candidates.) What is clear is that at least some conservative leaders have quickly organized a great deal of resources to present him with a choice of doing so, or possibly facing yet another challenger for the White House in the fall. (WGB Comment: this is nothing but bribery and all of the conspiring Conservative Leaders should be arrested for this felonious act. Oh, sorry, I forget this is politics, not the public sector.)
Ken Klukowski is legal editor for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @kenklukowski.


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