Tuesday, March 22, 2016

“The Path to 9/11”

“The Path to 9/11

After looking at the short video on a movie written by Cyrus Nowrasteh and  the text written in this article from World Net Daily, we find just  another reason why we should not vote for Hillary.    On this blog on February 28 you will FINE WHY WE SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY.   If you send this to your friends, send the one on February 28.  They really enforce each other. 

If a president and or the First Lady can put pressure on ABC and Disney to suppress a film that 28 million people saw only  once, something is very, very wrong.

I have said many times the Clintons never told the truth, we now have the Clintons on steroids, and the guy in the White House has taught Hillary how to lie even better than she did before. How many times on TV  have you heard that Hillary is a liar and cannot be trusted? I have seen it many, many, many times. This article goes a long way to substantiate that.

The friend that sent me this article thinks  Bill Clinton would not do anything very controversial like ordering Osama Bin Laden taken out. Another point is do we really want Bill Clinton back in the halls of the White House?   

This article and the short video helps to explain The Path to 9/11.

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