Sunday, August 7, 2016



Your Children…..Your Choice…..Your Rights

There has been a controversy about vaccinations going back many years. Doctors seem to tell you that you should vaccinate your children. Sometimes a newborn is vaccinated before the mother can even hold her child. Others seem to warn that you should be careful. Some schools won’t let your children attend unless you have certain vaccinations.
Somebody handed me a business card titled Educate Before You Vaccinate. On the back of the card it listed some ingredients used in vaccinations. In reading ingredients you have to wonder why are they in there, and do I want them in my family, especially children?

MSG, anti-freeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, glycerin, lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone, neomycin, streptomycin, mercury, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, cat serum, aborted fetal tissue, pig blood, horse blood, sheep blood, rabbit brain, guinea pig, cow heart, animal viruses, etc!

 It doesn’t look like a good selection for putting on or into your  child's body.

 The website  Will provide a history of vaccines that have been administered since 1940s. Please note that originally they were given one at a time, Now they administered several at one time.

A couple of examples of children with and without vaccines:

“My two boys are both uncircumcised, unvaccinated, including no vitamin K shot at birth, and no PKU newborn blood screening, and no painful procedure of any kind.  I gave birth drug-free and naturally in an upright kneeling position, after walking throughout my entire labor and transition.  Both boys are extremely healthy, intelligent, kind, and beautiful.  I breastfed my older son until he turned 4 years, and I'm currently breastfeeding my 2 year old.”

“My 3 vaccinated children were sick often during their first 2 years, suffered from ear infections repeatedly for which the doctor was constantly prescribing antibiotics, which would never work on the 1st round. They'd go through 3 separate rounds of antibiotics before the infection would be gone, meanwhile they'd develop diarrhea and candida diaper rash. They got every "bug" that was going around and strep and tonsilitis on several occasions. They all have skin conditions which the doctor has diagnosed as keratosis pylaris. My unvaccinated child has never been sick beyond a slight, short-lived cold. Never had an ear infection and has no skin issues either.”

 If you have children or grandchildren, please visit the website and search around. There is information here in one place you will find probably nowhere else.

Please pass this onto anyone you think would benefit, Especially pregnant women or are about to deliver and will face the choice whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.

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