Tuesday, August 2, 2016


 It was the best of times (The 1980’s). It was the worst of times (The mid 2010’s). Right now our country needs a non-establishment person at the helm.  I think Donald Trump is that person. Not only do we need someone who will stop all the unnecessary spending who believes in a two penny plan instead of a one penny plan. Someone that will lower the corporate taxes in our country to 15% and give business is a chance to compete globally. Someone who will stop Immigrants from entering our country illegally, and put a pause on immigrants from the ISIS states in the Middle East. Someone who will stop other countries from taking advantage of us. Donald is the right person to fix it, and the new book by Dick Morris, Armageddon,  will lead the way.   Get the book,  read it, and call your local or national radio talk show hosts and give them the essentials  of Armageddon.

As a way to bring our jobs back to the USA, if there was a law stating “ if you want to  sell it here --  you have to manufacture it here”.   Just 13 words. 

Maybe "we the people" can start a movement to that effect. Also, send this idea to Donald Trump,  at donald@stophillarypac.org.

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